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Define custom property for stereotype


property = addProperty(stereotype,name) returns a new property definition with name that is contained in stereotype.

To remove a property, use the removeProperty function.


property = addProperty(stereotype,name,Name=Value) returns a property definition that is configured with specified name-value arguments.



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Add a component stereotype and add a VoltageRating property.

profile = systemcomposer.profile.Profile.createProfile("myProfile");
stereotype = addStereotype(profile,"electricalComponent",AppliesTo="Component");
property = addProperty(stereotype,"VoltageRating");

Add a component stereotype and add a Status property with the default value "active".

profile = systemcomposer.profile.Profile.createProfile("myProfile");
stereotype = addStereotype(profile,"electricalComponent",AppliesTo="Component");
property = addProperty(stereotype,"Status",type="string",DefaultValue='"active"');

Add a component stereotype.

profile = systemcomposer.profile.Profile.createProfile("myProfile");
stereotype = addStereotype(profile,"DataConnector",AppliesTo="Connector");

In a separate file, create a ConnectorType enumeration class.

classdef ConnectorType < Simulink.IntEnumType

Add a TypeOfConnection property with Type set to newly created ConnectorType data type.

property = addProperty(stereotype,"TypeOfConnection",type="ConnectorType");

Input Arguments

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Stereotype, specified as a systemcomposer.profile.Stereotype object.

Name of property unique within the stereotype, specified as a character vector or string.

Data Types: char | string

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: addProperty(stereotype,"Amount",Type="double")

Type of this property. One of valid data types or the name of a MATLAB class that defines an enumeration. For more information, see Use Enumerated Data in Simulink Models.

Example: addProperty(stereotype,"Color",Type="BasicColors")

Data Types: char | string

Dimensions of property, specified as a positive integer array. Empty implies no restriction.

Example: addProperty(stereotype,"Amount",Dimensions=2)

Data Types: double

Optional minimum value of this property. To set both 'Min' and 'Max' together, use the setMinAndMax method.

Example: setMinAndMax(property,min,max)

Example: addProperty(stereotype,"Amount",Min="0")

Data Types: double

Optional maximum value of this property. To set both 'Min' and 'Max' together, use the setMinAndMax method.

Example: setMinAndMax(property,min,max)

Example: addProperty(stereotype,"Amount",Max="100")

Data Types: double

Units of the property value, specified as a character vector or string. If specified, all values of this property on model elements are checked for consistency with these units according to Simulink unit checking rules. For more information, see Unit Consistency Checking and Propagation.

Example: addProperty(stereotype,"Amount",Units="kg")

Data Types: char | string

Default value of this property, specified as a character vector or string that can be evaluated depending on the Type.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Created property, returned as a systemcomposer.profile.Property object.

More About

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TermDefinitionApplicationMore Information

Stereotypes provide a mechanism to extend the core language elements and add domain-specific metadata.

Apply stereotypes to core element types. An element can have multiple stereotypes. Stereotypes allow you to style different elements. Stereotypes provide elements with a common set of properties, such as mass, cost, and power.


A property is a field in a stereotype. You can specify property values for each element to which the stereotype is applied.

Use properties to store quantitative characteristics, such as weight or speed, that are associated with a model element. Properties can also be descriptive or represent a status. You can view and edit the properties of each element in the architecture model using the Property Inspector. For more information, see Use Property Inspector in System Composer.


A profile is a package of stereotypes.

You can use profiles to create a domain of specialized element types. Author profiles and apply profiles to a model using the Profile Editor. You can store stereotypes for a project in one or several profiles. When you save profiles, they are stored in XML files.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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