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Extend System Composer Language Elements Using Profiles

You can use System Composer™ profiles to define stereotypes, then apply these stereotypes to core elements that represent an architectural modeling language used to describe a system. To verify structural and functional requirements, use stereotypes to capture nonfunctional properties on elements in the architecture model.

For example, if there is a limit on the total power consumption of a system, the model must be able to capture the power rating of each electrical component. To define component-specific property values, you must extend built-in model element types with properties that correspond to requirements. In this case, an electrical component type as an extension of components is a stereotype. By extending the definition of regular components, you introduce a custom modeling language and framework that includes specific concepts and terminologies important for the architecture model. Capturing the individual properties also sets the scene for early parametric analyses and to define custom views.

These concepts are relevant for extend architectural elements workflows:

  • Stereotypes provide a mechanism to extend the core language elements and add domain-specific metadata.

    Apply stereotypes to core element types. An element can have multiple stereotypes. Stereotypes allow you to style different elements. Stereotypes provide elements with a common set of properties, such as mass, cost, and power.

  • A property is a field in a stereotype. You can specify property values for each element to which the stereotype is applied.

    Use properties to store quantitative characteristics, such as weight or speed, that are associated with a model element. Properties can also be descriptive or represent a status. You can view and edit the properties of each element in the architecture model using the Property Inspector. For more information, see Use Property Inspector in System Composer.

  • A profile is a package of stereotypes.

    You can use profiles to create a domain of specialized element types. Author profiles and apply profiles to a model using the Profile Editor. You can store stereotypes for a project in one or several profiles. When you save profiles, they are stored in XML files.


To learn more about how System Composer concepts apply to systems engineering design, see System Composer Concepts.

Use profiles to extend your modeling language to represent your specific modeling environment. The table lists topics about using profiles.

Define and Style Stereotypes in ProfilesAuthor a profile using the Profile Editor by defining stereotypes, stereotype styling, and properties.
Apply Stereotypes to Extend Model ElementsImport an existing profile to your System Composer architecture model, Requirements Toolbox™ requirement set, or interface data dictionary, then apply stereotypes to architectural elements, and add property values.
Best Practices for Profile DesignDesign profiles to maintain consistency and optimize your stereotype definitions as your system grows.

Create a profile in the Profile Editor and add stereotypes to it with properties. Apply the stereotype to a component, and set the property value in the Property Inspector. Open the Property Inspector by navigating to Modeling > Property Inspector.

The Profile Editor and Property Inspector

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