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How to skip a part of y axis in plotting ode code?

22 views (last 30 days)
MUTHULINGAM on 8 Jul 2024
Edited: Drishti on 20 Sep 2024 at 9:08
I want to plot the solution for the following ode but one variable is far from other variable solutions. so If I was advised to skip a part of y axis to look presentable. I want to skip from 1.5*10^9 to 1.3*10^10 in the y-axis. Is that possible?
% Define initial conditions
S0 = 1; S_R0 = 0; C0 = 0; C_R0 = 0; M10 = 85000; M20 = 15000; T_H10 = 71000; T_H20 = 12000; T_C0 = 56000; T_REG0 = 8000; IL100 = 0.0085; IFNG0 = 0.12; IL20 = 0.0094;
y0 = [S0, S_R0, C0, C_R0, M10, M20, T_H10, T_H20, T_C0, T_REG0, IL100, IFNG0, IL20];
% Define time span
tspan = [0 8000];
% Solve the system using ode23
[t, y] = ode45(@odes, tspan, y0);
% Plot the results
plot(t, y(:,1), t, y(:,2),t, y(:,3),t, y(:,4),t, y(:,5),t, y(:,6),t, y(:,7),t, y(:,8),t, y(:,9),t, y(:,10),'')
legend({'S', 'S_R', 'C', 'C_R', 'M1', 'M2', 'T_{H1}', 'T_H2', 'T_C', 'T_{REG}'});
xlim([0 800])
ylabel('Cell Density(cells/ml)')
%title(['Solution of ODE System'])
grid on
plot(t, y(:,11), t, y(:,12),t, y(:,13))
legend({'IL10', 'IFNG', 'IL2'});
xlim([200 800])
% title('Solution of ODE System')
grid on
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 8 Jul 2024
I suppose there is a continuity from to in the y-axis. Have you tried creating a graph with the y-axis has log scale? In other words, use the semilogy() command to evaluate if the graph is presentable.

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Answers (1)

Drishti on 16 Sep 2024 at 8:30
Edited: Drishti on 20 Sep 2024 at 9:08
Hi Muthulingam,
To skip a part of y-axis of the plot, you can refer to the following workarounds:
  1. Separate subplots can be created for the range of 0 to 1.5 × 10^9, as well as for values starting from 1.3 × 10^10 onwards. This approach allows you to visually omit the unnecessary data points. The limits of the subplot can be defined as:
%for subplot 1
ylim([0 1.5e9])
% for subplot 2
% Calculate the upper limit, ensuring it's greater than 1.3e10
upper_limit = max(max(y(:,1:10))) + 1;
if upper_limit <= 1.3e10
% Ensure a valid range
upper_limit = 1.3e10 + 1;
% Adjusted upper y-axis limit
ylim([1.3e10 upper_limit]);
2. You can manually set the 'y-ticks' to show values of specific range in the graph making it more presentable.
% Get current axes
ax = gca;
yticks = [0:1e8:1.5e9, 1.3e10:1e9:max(y(:))];
% Define y-ticks
set(ax, 'YTick', yticks);
Furthermore, you can refer to the MATLAB Documentation of the ‘set’ function.
I hope this helps.


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