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Matlab Showing Imaginary Numbers as Real
syms B U = 3; N = 4; g = 10 e = [0 1 2 3]; S =solve(U==N*sum(e.*exp(-B.*e))./sum(exp(-B.*e)), B, 'MaxDegree', 3) if imag...

ungefär 15 timmar ago | 0

When creating a swarmchart from categorical X and double Y values, is there a way to extract the resulting jittered X values?
ss = struct(s); ss.XYZJittered Note: the default setting for swarmchart is Jitter = 'off'

ungefär 18 timmar ago | 2

| accepted

I have put different log in name in mathworks account than that of my OS. How to resolve this?
You re-run the activation process. This time, you need to specify the username the same as the Windows username https://www.math...

ungefär 18 timmar ago | 1

Convey binary sting into 2 bits format
11111111111111111111110000011120101111000111100000 (48 bytes) MATLAB is going to treat this as a decimal number, in double pr...

en dag ago | 0

starting vector (zero vector) equals lower bounds but gets projected to non-zero vector
Although the documentation says that lb specifies that x(i) >= lb(i) for all i the implementing code has violatedLowerB...

2 dagar ago | 0

| accepted

R2024b: When trying to open an M file, I receive the message: Unrecognized function or variable 'uiopen'
Experiment with using restoredefaultpath; rehash toolboxcache If that works then savepath

2 dagar ago | 0

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As of R2013a you can create a triangulation object, passing in the connectivity and x and y and z data. Unfortunately, you cann...

2 dagar ago | 0

Why am I recieving the following error "Warning: Failure at t=1.705994e+00. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value all"
When you call a function from ode45(), it is strictly necessary that the called function is continuous to its second derivative....

2 dagar ago | 0

How do I share files with matlab drive?
Open Navigate to the directory containing the files you want to share. Right click and select Sha...

2 dagar ago | 1

Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-1 and the size of the right side is 3-by-1.
You initialized ImJPG_Sepia as an n by m by 1 matrix.

2 dagar ago | 0

Fminsearch error: not enough input arguments.
[y_ex,fval]=fminsearch(@(beta,sigma) subjectval(beta,sigma),y0) fminsearch passes a single vector to the object function. You h...

2 dagar ago | 0

Given the spectrum of a signal x(t) , What is the minimum sample rate that would allow for x[n] to be recoverable?
This is a square wave. The fourier transform of a square wave consists of an infinite series of odd harmonics; https://dsp.stack...

3 dagar ago | 0

is it possible to perform a nested Batch?
Once you have reached the limit on the number of simultaneous batch jobs, individual batch jobs are not going to suspend themsel...

3 dagar ago | 0

Find the indices of numbers that occur first
[found, idxV] = ismember(X, V); This will return the idx of elements of X within V; found(K) will be false if X(K) does not mat...

3 dagar ago | 1

Vertical 3D to Horizontal
Instead of parenting your scatter3() to an axes (even if only by default): Create a hgtransform object that is parented to the ...

3 dagar ago | 0

How many template of 3D graph exist in Matlab ?
How many template of 3D graph exist in Matlab ? No templates of 3D graphs exist in MATLAB. No templates of 2D graphs exist in ...

3 dagar ago | 0

how to calculate amount of energy consumption energy cryptography and steganography in matlab?
Accurately measuring energy consumption on a host MATLAB session is very difficult. You need to take into account that the compu...

3 dagar ago | 0

how to enable mex -setup for Visual Studio 2022 on MATLAB R2021a?
R2021a supports VS 2019 at newest.

3 dagar ago | 0

| accepted

set the tick format of y axis
See ytickformat and also the Exponent property of axes;

3 dagar ago | 0

how to use categorical in uitable
cat=categorical({'Fil';'Stat'}); That is categorical. VTYPES=[{'logical'},{cat}]; That is a cell array that includes an eleme...

4 dagar ago | 0

How to use fzero with arrayfun or cell fun?
tr = fzero(@(t) t_thres(t,c),[miny maxy*10]); The @(t) t_thres(t,c) part creates an anonymous function that copies its...

4 dagar ago | 1

How do you get a variable to recognized in function
function [C,D]=GetUserInput() That code does not mean that variables C and D are to be set in the calling context. MATLAB outpu...

4 dagar ago | 0

How to extract specific information from a table, an output when fitlm() function in sued
Store the result of fitlm() in a variable, such as mdl Access the Rsquared property of the variable such as mdl.Rsquared This...

5 dagar ago | 0

| accepted

Is there any way to perform an at least partially symbolic smulation (using ODE or discrete model) in simulink?
If you turn rapid acceleration off, and use coder.extrinsic then you can include symbolic calculations within any one MATLAB Fun...

5 dagar ago | 0

Name is nonexistent or not a directory
Give the commands restoredefaultpath; rehash toolboxcache savepath

5 dagar ago | 0

Use the plot function to set the curve transparency
plot() has no documented ability to specify RGBA, or transparency in any form. Modern versions of plot() have an undocumented a...

5 dagar ago | 0

expressing the complex function
You can use real() and imag(), but they will not help much. A problem is that you do not constrain x or t to be real-valued, so...

5 dagar ago | 0

How do I convert a decimal number of months to a datetime format?
decmonths = [9.545563 22.212227]; offsets = calmonths(floor(decmonths)) + days(decmonths - floor(decmonths)) base = datetime...

5 dagar ago | 0

Plotting data dependent on three independent variables.
Use scatteredInterpolant() to compute a resultant surface with three independent inputs. Use isosurface() or slice() to plot th...

7 dagar ago | 0

Only the first if-statement block executes,
if 0 <= alpha <= pi/2 MATLAB interprets that as if ((0 <= alpha) <= pi/2) the first part, 0 <= alpha, produces a logical valu...

7 dagar ago | 0

| accepted

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