Steven Lord
Followers: 8 Following: 0
I joined The MathWorks in the Technical Support department during the summer of 2001 and transferred into the Quality Engineering department in March of 2004. I now work qualifying the core MATLAB numerical functions (PLUS, MINUS, LU, FFT, ODE45, etc.) Professional Interests: mathematics, MATLAB For assistance with MATLAB question please post to MATLAB Answers or contact Technical Support using the Contact Us link in the upper-right corner of the page instead of contacting me directly.
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Matlab gave me a right value for PA< PB< PZa ,PZb, Pzc but they said the wrong thing about conclusion, they said " does not equl. However, it will equal
I was going to execute this code so we could see what your fprintf statements displayed, but you did not define the variables I ...
ungefär 22 timmar ago | 0
Hierarchy Parent/Child from same class
I would like to add Parents and Childs between object of the same class. Do you mean you're writing a class and you want each ...
2 dagar ago | 0
how to find my activatin key number
If you're trying to use your company or educational institution's license, ask whoever maintains the organization's software lic...
5 dagar ago | 0
deactivate old coimputer in order to activate new coimputer
See the instructions in this Answers post.
7 dagar ago | 0
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sub2ind() errors out with NaN inputs - handled differently since R2024a
This was a bug fix introduced in release R2024a.
9 dagar ago | 2
Table.Properties.VariableNames will add ... to long Variable Names
Is that an artifact of how the cell array is displayed in the Workspace (which I suspect is the case) or how the data is stored ...
13 dagar ago | 1
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MATLAB 2023b Keeps Crashing on My Windows Desktop But Works on Laptop
Can you check if you're using one of the processors listed in this Answers post?
15 dagar ago | 1
Wind rose with no degrees for direction
Let's make some random direction data. directions = ["N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW"]; n = numel(directions); angl...
15 dagar ago | 0
The memory use of a sparse matrix depends on its history
The amount of memory required by a sparse matrix is not just a function of the number of rows and columns but also the number of...
15 dagar ago | 2
How to find the execute but don't display output syntax of a loop?
FYI, this wasn't available when the question was originally asked but as of release R2024b you can tell MATLAB to stop whenever ...
16 dagar ago | 0
Matlab 2024b won't open on Windows 11
Scanning through the Bug Reports for MATLAB release R2024b, I found two that might cause MATLAB to not be able to open. See Bug ...
23 dagar ago | 0
operator '==' not supported for operands of type 'cell'
Another possibility for the original question would be to create a pivot table or to use groupcounts or other grouping functions...
23 dagar ago | 0
MATLAB Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function solve.
Let's choose a small value for n (since the input command cannot run on MATLAB Answers) and see what you're trying to pass into ...
28 dagar ago | 0
Numerical integration of N by 1 matrics
See the trapz and cumtrapz functions.
ungefär en månad ago | 0
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I am trying to recreate a plot from a literature review. It is a scatter graph but the axis are labels more than specific numbers
I'm not certain what the significance of the unlabeled horizontal lines are, but you can create a scatter plot with categorical ...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
Is it better to use tic/toc or a timer function for tracking time?
If you want to retrieve the current time, use: dt = datetime('now') To retrieve it as text data: s = string(dt) Depending on...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
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isnan to conver nan to zero in a table
Let's make a sample table with some NaN values and a non-numeric variable. A = magic(4); A(randperm(numel(A), 3)) = NaN; T = ...
ungefär en månad ago | 1
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Why are my licenses not linking to my account
I assume you are one of your company's license administrators? If so please contact Customer Service directly using this link an...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
How to convert python scipt to matlab using any matlan converter or else
I would see if the "Call Python from MATLAB" section linked from this documentation page provides the functionality you need.
ungefär en månad ago | 1
Find closest value in array
As of release R2021b, you don't need to use abs on the input to the min function. Use the 'ComparisonMethod' option to tell MATL...
ungefär en månad ago | 1
remove non-unique columns even if the sign has changed
Make a copy of newca1, let's call it M. Multiply each column of M whose first element is negative by -1. This way if you think o...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
Error using Matlab's publish function to create a pdf
I tried searching our internal bug database but I didn't find anything that looked exactly like this issue. I've reached out to ...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
Request for Cancellation of Full Toolbox Tutorial and Reversion to Original Trial State
Please contact Customer Service directly using this link with this request.
ungefär en månad ago | 1
Clicking on hyperlink for an "example" on MATLAB command line help changes my current directory
Do you want to read the example and potentially run some or all of it? I think that's a pretty common workflow for the examples....
ungefär en månad ago | 0
How does code sharing work in MATLAB?
Some of the functionality listed in the Software Development Tools category in the MATLAB documentation was not available in 202...
ungefär en månad ago | 1
cant get object's method to return multiple outputs
From the error message I suspect the class overloads indexing, either by overloading subsref or using one or more of the indexin...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
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defining upper and lower limits of a matrix
If you were using release R2024a or later (or if upgrading is an option) you could use the clip function. M = magic(5) M2 = cl...
ungefär en månad ago | 1
This wasn't an option when the question was originally asked, but in more recent releases I recommend storing the names as a str...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
keep exact position of subplot axes
To clarify, when you say "position" do you mean the location of the subplot axes in the figure window, the limits of the axes (s...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
Trouble parsing ISO8601 date strings into datetime
Looking at the description of the Format property on the documentation page for the datetime function I think you want ZZZZZ or ...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 2