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I have been trying to derivate equation under to find the formula for 3 parameters Weibull distribution as same as picture. Can someone please help me fix it?
Is this what you are seeking? Your equation is too lengthy and contains excessive, unnecessary brackets, as well as mismatched ...
ungefär 3 timmar ago | 0
Open-Loop Response of a Simulink MIMO System
I am unsure whether your modeling is correct; however, one obvious observation from the Scope is that you are comparing the outp...
ungefär 14 timmar ago | 0
Solution of algebraic equation that a variable occures both in numerator and denomirator with respect to an other variable
Γεια @Anastasios Kyriakopoulos I would like to show graphically that the nonlinear equation is not strictly a quadratic equatio...
2 dagar ago | 0
How to determine if equation is not feedback linearizable
Hi @Ken I am not aware of a specific function in MATLAB to test whether a system is feedback linearizable. However, the given s...
3 dagar ago | 1
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Machine and Deep Learning Books using MATLAB
Hi @Ahmed You can find the info about the books that provide codes for machine learning and deep learning using MATLAB here: h...
3 dagar ago | 1
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how to write mat lab code for predict compressive strength of concrete using svm
Hi @Rathnaswamy You can use the data on concrete specimens with varying mix proportions and curing ages to train an SVM model u...
3 dagar ago | 0
How can I use the function coeffs() as the input to the function tf()?
Use double(). syms s n = (s^2+10*s+50)*(s^2+8.6*s+21.73)*(s^2-0.7*s+0.1625)*(s^2-2*s+3.25)^2*(s^2+4)^2*(s-2.2); x = expand(n)...
3 dagar ago | 1
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How can I calculate the probability of false detection?
@Suleyman Aliyev, Do you expect the graph to behave like this? % Given parameters sigma2_values = linspace(0.1, 0.01, 100); ...
4 dagar ago | 2
Need help with DC motor modelling with PID
Hi @Irwan Shah The looping in your model is incorrect due to unit inconsistency. All calculations are performed in radians. Y...
4 dagar ago | 0
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Problem with derivative block simulink
Hi @Purvaja Based on the information provided by the OP, I will likely construct the model as illustrated. However, if the refe...
6 dagar ago | 1
How to use the integrating option in a closed-loop PID autotuner?
Here is the difference between stable plants and integrating plants: %% Stable Plant (all eigenvalues have negative real part) ...
6 dagar ago | 0
I need help for drawing a constraint in Matlab in 2D
Hi @nadia nadi You should replace the p3 line with this: p3 = 3/2*ones(1, numel(x1(1,:))); ... plot(p3, x1(1,:)) clear...
6 dagar ago | 0
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Request for MATLAB Code of Elephant Search Algorithm (ESA)
Hi @Sina The most effective approach is to contact the authors, as the algorithm was originally coded in MATLAB. They would ben...
6 dagar ago | 1
solve algebric loop error
Hi Shabina, The error suggests that you have incorrectly modeled the dynamic system, resulting in a singularity. This is ...
6 dagar ago | 0
"Hold Value" of a Fuzzy Control while no rule is active
Hi @Daniel If none of the rules is triggered for any output, the defuzzified output value will default to its mean range value,...
9 dagar ago | 0
Error using type too many output arguments
Possibly syntax error. The strcmpi() function is used to compare strings. So, you need to place the texts in double quotes. %va...
9 dagar ago | 0
iztrans giving unexpected outputs
Another way is to provide a proof by contradiction. Misprints can happen due to a lack of proofreading. syms n f1 = n*(-1)^...
10 dagar ago | 0
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Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Station
Hi @Shiva Kumar Bairoju Like @Yifeng Tang, I'd also suggest modeling this system using Simscape, as the entire hydrogen refueli...
13 dagar ago | 0
Incorrect y intercept using fitlm
Extend the line, and you will see the y-intercept at . % Example data (replace with your actual data) xData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
13 dagar ago | 0
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Numerical solution to coupled non linear differential equations
Hi @Atharv Although I don't understand your robotic dynamics, but based on your ODEs, I see that is present in the highest ord...
16 dagar ago | 0
Matlab Dimpulse function documentaion not found
Hi @Md. Ikrama Hossain For your information, the current version of the impulse() function can be applied to both continuous-ti...
16 dagar ago | 0
how to access variables from simout - simulink simulation running programatically
Try this %% Data sent to Workspace toWksData = out7_1_1.simout; or this toWksData = get(out7_1_1, simout);
16 dagar ago | 0
can't write "hat", "tilde", "bar" in the title of the figure
I have problem with the GUI in past releases. I usually type out the syntax on the Command Window. title('$\hat{\theta}_{estim}...
16 dagar ago | 0
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How to plot and find zeros of a complex polynomial?
Hi @simran I am unsure whether a symbolic approach exists. However, to use the fsolve() function, you need to provide initial g...
16 dagar ago | 0
Fuel cell system efficiency increasing at increasing altitude
Hi @Vyom Desai We are uncertain where to begin in reviewing the code, as all the essential calculative steps for determining sy...
16 dagar ago | 0
find the minimum of polynomial.
For a two-degree polynomial (quadratic) in the form of "y = ax^2 + bx + c", the formula to find the minimum value is: min = c - ...
17 dagar ago | 0
Simulink summing block - how to get negative input at the top of the summing block?
Hi @Kenny Enter this:
17 dagar ago | 1
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How to use the magicformula as a MATLAB function in simulink
There are two versions of the 'Magic' formulas. Can you mathematically derive from their outputs? If so, you can write the der...
17 dagar ago | 0
Finding the points where Bessel functions are equivalent
Hi @Matthew I revisited your approach using vpasolve(), but I provided an initial guess that is close to the solution, as illus...
18 dagar ago | 0
Finding the points where Bessel functions are equivalent
Hi @Matthew You might consider approaching the problem as finding the minimum point of a convex function. I have used both ga()...
18 dagar ago | 0