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Signal Labeler Usage Tips

Keyboard Shortcuts


On Macintosh platforms, use the Command key instead of Ctrl.


Accept labelingEnter
Cancel labelingEsc
Delete labelDel
Toggle Draw Labels modeCtrl+L


Plot previous memberCtrl+Up arrow
Plot next memberCtrl+Down arrow
Zoom to labelCtrl+Shift+L


If you label peaks in a signal using Peak Labeler and then move one of the labels, Signal Labeler still shows the amplitude value returned by Peak Labeler. To update the amplitude:

  1. Read the new value on the data cursor you used to move the point label.

  2. Edit the label.

  3. Enter the new value in the Value field of the dialog box that appears.


  • You must select the plot display area to use the Ctrl+Up arrow, Ctrl+Down arrow, and Ctrl+L keyboard shortcuts.

  • You must select a parent label before you can label an ROI or point sublabel manually.

  • To label an attribute sublabel manually, use the Labeled Signal Set browser or the label viewer.


  • When you reduce the width of the Signal Labeler window, the attribute table under the time plot shows a horizontal scrollbar. In Apple macOS systems, the scrollbar is hidden by default. If you have a trackpad and scroll horizontally, the scrollbar appears. If you use a mouse and want the scrollbar to be visible always, you can modify the system behavior in the System Preferences.

  • Signal Labeler can fail to start if MATLAB® is using a software implementation of OpenGL®. To solve the problem, upgrade your graphics hardware driver or use opengl to switch to a hardware-accelerated implementation of OpenGL. See Resolving Low-Level Graphics Issues for more information.

  • Attempting to start Signal Labeler can cause JavaScript® support for WebGL™ to fail. To solve the problem, update your graphics hardware driver.

  • Signal Labeler can fail to start due to a network error. Check your organization's proxy settings and, if possible, disable the proxy that is interfering with the app startup process.

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