Examine Labeled Signal Set
Load into the MATLAB® Workspace the MAT-file you created in the Label Signal Attributes, Regions of Interest, and Points example. Verify that the labeled signal set contains the definitions that you added using Signal Labeler.
load Whale_Songs
ans=3×9 table
LabelName LabelType LabelDataType Categories ValidationFunction DefaultValue Sublabels Tag Description
______________ ___________ _____________ ____________ __________________ ____________ ___________________________ ___ ____________________________
"WhaleType" "attribute" "categorical" {3x1 string} {["N/A" ]} {0x0 double} {0x0 double } "" "Whale type"
"MoanRegions" "roi" "logical" {["N/A" ]} {0x0 double} {0x0 double} {0x0 double } "" "Regions where moans occur"
"TrillRegions" "roi" "logical" {["N/A" ]} {0x0 double} {0x0 double} {1x1 signalLabelDefinition} "" "Regions where trills occur"
Verify that TrillPeaks
is a sublabel of TrillRegions
ans = 'WhaleType Sublabels: [] MoanRegions Sublabels: [] TrillRegions Sublabels: TrillPeaks '
Retrieve the second member of the set. Retrieve the names of the timetable variables.
song = getSignal(whalesongs,2); summary(song)
RowTimes: Time: 76579x1 duration Values: Min 0 sec Median 9.5722 sec Max 19.144 sec TimeStep 0.00025 sec Variables: whale2: 76579x1 double Values: Min -0.37326 Median 0 Max 0.37914
Plot the signal.
t = song.Time; sng = song.whale2; plot(t,sng)
Visualize Labeled Regions
Use a signalMask
object to display and identify the regions of interest that you labeled. For better display, change the label values from logical to categorical.
mvals = getLabelValues(whalesongs,2,'MoanRegions'); mvals.Value = categorical(repmat("moan",size(mvals,1),1)); tvals = getLabelValues(whalesongs,2,'TrillRegions'); tvals.Value = categorical(repmat("trill",size(tvals,1),1)); msk = signalMask([mvals;tvals],'SampleRate',1/seconds(t(2)-t(1))); plotsigroi(msk,sng)
Visualize Labeled Points
Display and identify the trill peaks that you labeled.
pk = getLabelValues(whalesongs,2,{'TrillRegions','TrillPeaks'}); locs = zeros(size(pk,1),1); for kj = 1:length(locs) locs(kj) = find(seconds(t) == pk.Location(kj)); end hold on plot(seconds(t(locs)),sng(locs)+0.01,'v') text(seconds(t(locs))+0.2,sng(locs)+0.05,int2str(cell2mat(pk.Value))) hold off
See Also
Related Examples
- Label Signal Attributes, Regions of Interest, and Points
- Label ECG Signals and Track Progress
- Automate Signal Labeling with Custom Functions
- Label Spoken Words in Audio Signals
More About
- Using Signal Labeler App
- Import Data into Signal Labeler
- Create or Import Signal Label Definitions
- Label Signals Interactively or Automatically
- Custom Labeling Functions
- Customize Labeling View
- Feature Extraction Using Signal Labeler
- Dashboard
- Export Labeled Signal Sets and Signal Label Definitions
- Signal Labeler Usage Tips