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Unified Model Setup and Solution

Specify physical parameters of the problem as properties of an femodel object

To set up and solve a problem using unified workflow, follow these steps:

  • Create an femodel container while specifying the analysis type and the geometry for a model. You also can specify or change the analysis type and geometry properties of femodel later.

  • Mesh the geometry.

  • Specify physical parameters of the problem using familiar domain-specific terms.

  • Solve the problem to obtain results at nodal locations.

You also can approximate dynamic characteristics of a model for structural or thermal analysis by using reduced-order modeling (ROM).

For 3-D geometries which are symmetrical about an axis of rotation, you can speed up computations by simplifying a 3-D geometry to a 2-D geometry and setting the PlanarType property of femodel to "axisymmetric". The axis of rotation is the vertical axis, x = 0. The x–axis represents the radial component, and the y–axis represents the axial component.


generateMeshCreate triangular or tetrahedral mesh
solveSolve structural analysis, heat transfer, or electromagnetic analysis problem
triangulationCreate triangulation object from fegeometry (Since R2023b)
setupRadiationSpecify radiation parameters for surface-to-surface heat transfer (Since R2023b)
assembleFEMatricesAssemble finite element matrices
reduceReduce structural or thermal model


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femodelFinite element analysis model object (Since R2023a)
fegeometryGeometry object for finite element analysis (Since R2023a)
materialPropertiesMaterial properties for structural, thermal, and electromagnetic analysis (Since R2023a)
edgeBCBoundary conditions on geometry edge (Since R2023a)
faceBCBoundary conditions on geometry face (Since R2023a)
vertexBCBoundary conditions on geometry vertex (Since R2023a)
farFieldBCAbsorbing boundary condition for harmonic electromagnetic analysis (Since R2023a)
cellLoadLoad on geometry cell (Since R2023a)
faceLoadLoad on geometry face (Since R2023a)
edgeLoadLoad on geometry edge (Since R2023a)
vertexLoadLoad on geometry vertex (Since R2023a)
surfaceToSurfaceSettingsSettings for modeling thermal radiation between surfaces (Since R2023b)
cellICInitial conditions on geometry cell (Since R2023a)
faceICInitial conditions on geometry face (Since R2023a)
edgeICInitial conditions on geometry edge (Since R2023a)
vertexICInitial conditions on geometry vertex (Since R2023a)
romInterfaceReduced-order model (ROM) interface (Since R2024a)
ReducedStructuralModelReduced-order structural model results
ReducedThermalModelReduced-order thermal model (Since R2022a)


PDESolverOptions PropertiesAlgorithm options for solvers


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