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Heat Transfer

Analyze solutions of conduction-dominant heat transfer problems with convection and radiation occurring at boundaries

Address challenges with thermal management by analyzing the temperature distributions of components based on material properties, external heat sources, and internal heat generation for steady-state and transient problems. For details about partial differential equations for heat transfer, see Thermal Analysis Equations.

The solver returns one of the results objects containing the basic solution values, such as temperature and temperature gradient, at mesh nodes. After solving the problem, you can interpolate returned results to arbitrary spatial locations instead of mesh nodes and also evaluate other solution values, such as heat flux and heat rate.


filterByIndexAccess transient results for specified time steps (Since R2023b)
interpolateTemperatureInterpolate temperature in thermal result at arbitrary spatial locations
evaluateTemperatureGradientEvaluate temperature gradient of thermal solution at arbitrary spatial locations
evaluateHeatFluxEvaluate heat flux of thermal solution at nodal or arbitrary spatial locations
evaluateHeatRateEvaluate integrated heat flow rate normal to specified boundary


SteadyStateThermalResultsSteady-state thermal solution and derived quantities
TransientThermalResultsTransient thermal solution and derived quantities
ModalThermalResults Modal thermal solution (Since R2022a)


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