OCR Languages Support Package Installation
Hi Michal, The OCR Languages Support Package is down. We are working to get it back online. If you need the language files imm...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

How can I merge (concatenate) feature maps from two different CNN layers in my architecture?
Hi, In R2017b, the depth concatenation layer can be used to merge feature maps:

mer än 6 år ago | 1

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Is there any example about fcnLayers and its predictions for semantic segmentation
In R2017b, we cannot train with arbitrary size images. This is a feature we will consider for a future release. We will also loo...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

Mini-batch loss not changing for FCN
This is a R2017b bug in fcnLayers. I've attached a patch for this issue. Here are the instructions for patching R2017b: 1...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

Invalid entry in label data table for Scene labelType when using Image Labeler app?
This is a bug in R2017b. The attached patch,, patches this bug in R2017b. Apply the patch using th...

mer än 6 år ago | 1

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Why ocr function doesn't recognize the numbers?
Hi, A little bit of pre-processing and using ROIs to specify where the words are will help. By default, OCR uses page layout...

mer än 6 år ago | 4

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Error using trainFastRCNNObjectDetector
It's likely that your custom region proposal method is producing ROIs that are too small to process. The minimum size that we ca...

ungefär 7 år ago | 2

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How to implement Faster R CNN object detector?
Hi Jay, Because you have objects that have a single size, 96x96, you can set BoxPyramidScale to 1 and NumBoxPyramidLevels to ...

ungefär 7 år ago | 0

How to plot Hog features in the image
Hi, The following example, will visualize the HOG features at a set of points: I2 = imread('gantrycrane.png'); ...

mer än 7 år ago | 0

multiple gpu slow?
Hi, This is due to a limitation with NVIDIA’s GPU-to-GPU communication on Windows. If you have the option, you should consid...

mer än 7 år ago | 1

ocrTrainer 'Not enough input arguments'
Hi Michal, I can look into what's causing the error. Are you able to share your training data and training session file (save...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

Why won't vision.DeployableVideoPlayer work in MATLAB compiler deployed executable?
Hi, That's strange. What happens if you try to reduce the image size from 2048x2048x3 to something like 10x10x3? Does it stil...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

minimum background ratio in foreground detection
Hi, It'll be more helpful to answer your second question first. To start, see here for the definition of a multimodal distrib...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

Unable to run bag of features
Hi Leonard, The error occurs because bagOfFeatures is extracting features from all of your training images and storing them i...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

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Problem with evaluate(imagecategoryclassifier) function from Vision System tool box
Hi Jacob, Thanks for reporting this issue. This is a bug. The predicted labels are correct, but the scores are not. I can...

nästan 9 år ago | 1

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Clarification of the detectSURFFeatures 'NumOctaves' parameter
Hi Chris, Yes, it does include octaves 1-2. The 'NumOctaves' parameter controls the total number of octaves. Hope that h...

ungefär 9 år ago | 1

How to get the variance of a binaryFeature object?
Hi David, The error is due to the use of binaryFeatures in your custom extractor. bagOfFeatures does not support binaryFeatur...

mer än 9 år ago | 1

Unable to recognize letter labels in a image using ocr() function.
Hi Jack, You'll need to do a bit of pre-processing to get OCR to work on your image. Here's what I did to get it working: ...

mer än 9 år ago | 6

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Computer Vision System ToolBox 'detectMSERFeatures'
Hi, The ThresholdDelta is a percentage. For example in an 8-bit image, a value of 4 percent means the threshold increment use...

mer än 9 år ago | 1

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Foreground Detector - how do I save/load an existing background model?
Hi, You'll need to execute: feature('SystemObjectsFullSaveLoad',1); to enable the save/load to work correctly for visi...

nästan 10 år ago | 3

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How to create Matlab Simulink Model for Object Detection?
Hi Sorath, You can call the vision.CascadeObjectDetector by using a MATLAB Function block in Simulink. For example: % MATL...

ungefär 10 år ago | 1

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How to automatically identify text lines in curved document images ?
Hi, You might be able to use CPSELECT and FITGEOTRANS with the polynomial transform to remove the distortion of the text line...

ungefär 10 år ago | 1