please help me to understand "AWGN Channel" and "HDL Implementation of AWGN Generator" blocks ?
HDL Implementation of AWGN Generator is used in HDL designs. It is specifically designed for HDL use. AWGN Channel is designed ...

6 dagar ago | 0

complex number : real part and imaginary part
syms x mu real syms t real %c alpha=1 U=zeros(1,1,'sym'); A=zeros(1,1,'sym'); B=zeros(1,1,'sym'); C=zeros(1,1,'sym'); D=...

6 dagar ago | 0

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How to write subscript and superscriopt in a single variable?
You can create symbolic variable names that are specially formatted. When expressions using those names are displayed in LiveScr...

6 dagar ago | 0

When I try to constrain node 3 to a line my displacements become ridiculously large, what am I doing wrong?
The rank() of GlobalK is only 6 but the matrix is 8 x 8. Using GlobalK \ F is likely to generate garbage. If you must use a ra...

6 dagar ago | 1

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Expression is too large for MATLAB to evaluate
Unfortunately, the expression is simply too large for the Symbolic Toolbox to handle. You will need to do something like taking...

7 dagar ago | 0

why do i get error using * ?
integral() always passes a vector of values to the function being integrated (unless 'ArrayValued' is set to true). So in inte...

7 dagar ago | 0

Do not understand documentation to add third party Arduino libraries
I suggest you use arduino-cli lib install --zip-path /PATH/TO/ --config-file arduino-cli.yam

7 dagar ago | 1

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Is there a way to pause gamultiobj, run other computations/scripts and resume gamultiobj (with and without restarting MATLAB)?
First of all, create some globally accessible stop flag, such as in the base workspace. Second of all, run gamultiobj with opti...

7 dagar ago | 0

Simpson method, ezplot (with strings)
Calculate dt first. Then calculate Q.*c.*dt. Now use

8 dagar ago | 0

How do I implement this kind of an allpass filter?
you cannot implement those equations. e(n) is defined in terms of d(n) d(n) is defined in terms of e(n - something) Sub...

8 dagar ago | 1

Matlab to solve finite difference for Ode
S = 'aa = 1; bb = 2; alpha = 1; beta = 2; n=29;      % h = (bb-aa)/(n+1);   h=0.1' idx = find(S>128) S(idx) S(idx)+0 Your co...

9 dagar ago | 0

Event triggered control using ode45
Proceed as described in %assuming r_k is...

9 dagar ago | 0

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Change Stacking Order of Plots
pdeplot(results.Mesh, XYData=results.NodalSolution, ZData=results.NodalSolution, ColorMap="jet"); view(2) Those lines imply th...

10 dagar ago | 0

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hi, it says "Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-3 and the size of the right side is 1-by-2" and the error is at line 96 in my code
Node(1,:) = [0,0]; Node(2,:) = [3,3]; Node(3,:) = [6,6]; Node(4,:) = [9,9]; Node(5,:) = [18,0]; Node(6,:) = [9,0]; That cr...

10 dagar ago | 0

control random number generator in async programming
parpool are defined to seed random number generators differently. See

10 dagar ago | 1

How to get 1 as the highest order coefficient in a polynomial expression?
syms p K_s0 Phi_V Phi_G s K_p K_x0 T_i real; Phi_V = -p*(K_p/K_x0)*(1 + 1/(s*T_i))*1/s; eqn1 = p == K_s0*(Phi_V + Phi_G); eqn...

10 dagar ago | 0

The line on the legend are not showing
What you describe sounds as if either X_1 or Y_1 are scalars. In such a case, requesting . or o will draw markers, but there wou...

10 dagar ago | 0

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Plotting z = f(x, y) when (x, y, z) values are known
Use to create a decomposed geometry. Calculate the temperature values on the r...

10 dagar ago | 0

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why do I get a negative numbers???
opts = optimoptions('fsolve', 'MaxFunctionEvaluations', 1e6, 'MaxIterations', 1e6); Guess = linspace(0,.001, 23); Answers = fs...

11 dagar ago | 0

TI Radar Toolbox with DCA1000EVM Connection - Continuous error occurs when attempting to connect with an Ethernet cable
Your ipconfig shows that you have configured the local IP address of the second interface as . However, 192.168.33...

11 dagar ago | 0

how to extract only digits from an image
Use ocr passing the option 'CharacterSet', with value '0123456789'

11 dagar ago | 0

How do I extract data from a structure using a for loop?
fieldnames = fieldnames(YourDataStructure); num_fields = length(fieldnames); last_field_values = cell(num_fields,1); for FI...

11 dagar ago | 0

is there a way for a creation of variables for machine learning inside a loop from a dataset of waves
data_names = who('-file', 'sub-036_task-eyesclosed_eeg.set', '-regexp', '^data_\d+$'); for DNI = 1:length(data_names) this...

11 dagar ago | 0

I have an error using walsh. It says
walsh() is not the name of any Mathworks supplied function. walsh() is the name of one File Exchange contribution, https://www....

11 dagar ago | 0

Matlab GA parallel computing
fid = fopen('Design_Variables.inp', 'w+'); % Ansys APDL reads this %... ansys_input = 'ANSYS_APDL.dat'; output_file = 'out_fi...

11 dagar ago | 0

Solving ODE with explicit equations
if and(t >= 0.05, t < 1.5) k = 0.05; elseif and(t < 0.05, t >= 1.5) k = 0; end Ug = n + k * V1; That code only def...

11 dagar ago | 1

Fitting and predicting from 3D data
idx = find(Output(Var1,:,:) == OutputValue); [~, var2, var3] = idx2sub(size(Output), idx); Except that comparing using == is n...

11 dagar ago | 0

Getting the evaluation progress of the gather command
You need to turn diary on, and access the diary file while it is still being written. As you will need code to do that, and the ...

11 dagar ago | 0

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syntax of this line tmp = cellfun(@(tbl) tbl(:, cellstr(dataVariables(ct))), trainDataNormalized, 'UniformOutput', false);% in RUL tutorial
@(tbl) tbl(:, cellstr(dataVariables(ct))) That syntax outputs the handle of an anonymous function. The anonymous function acce...

12 dagar ago | 0

An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated
You have a MATLAB Function block in the lower left. It has s0 as input and ds0 as output. The 4th line of code for it is ds0=(s...

12 dagar ago | 0

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