
Hamza Harbi

Last seen: 18 dagar ago Active since 2023

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Programming Languages:
C++, MATLAB, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
Arabic, English


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Special matrix
Make a square matrix with this shape. For n=4 M = 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ...

2 månader ago


Mirror Image matrix across anti-diagonal
Given an input number x, create a mirror image matrix 'Y' across the anti-diagonal. For example, if x=3, Y = [1 2 3; ...

2 månader ago


String Array Basics, Part 2: Convert String Array to Cell Array; No Missing Values
< String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

2 månader ago


Resistance of a robot
What is the resistance of an industrial robot that draws P watts of power when connected to a power supply delivering V volts? R...

2 månader ago


trying to learn Statflow
Could you kindly recommend comprehensive resources and exercises that would help me learn and understand Stateflow? I tried sear...

6 månader ago | 1 answer | 0




putting text of two lines in one cell in table
I'am solving a power flow problem using newton raphson method on MATLAB, I've finished the code and right know am in the stage o...

10 månader ago | 1 answer | 0




Dealing with transfer function in symbolic math toolbox.
I used the command syms to symbolize the letter 's' and use it to construct transfer functions. is there a way to bodeplot the T...

ungefär ett år ago | 2 answers | 0




Projector Matrix
Write a function to determine whether or not the matrix is a projector. Projector matrices are defined as P^2 = P.

ungefär ett år ago


Combined Ages 1 - Symmetric, n = 3
You have probably seen the common riddle wherein combined ages are provided and you must determine the individual ages. For exam...

ungefär ett år ago


Solve the set of simultaneous linear equations
Given this pair of simultaneous linear equations: 2x + 3y = 23 3x + 4y = 32 Find the solution set (x,y)

ungefär ett år ago


Linear system of equations
Solve the system of equations in three variables.

ungefär ett år ago


System of equations
Find a solution to a system of equations represented by a |n| by |n+1| matrix. For instance, [ 2 0 4; => 2*x = 4 ...

ungefär ett år ago


Column norms of a matrix
Given a matrix M, return a vector y such that for each k y(k)=norm(M(:,k)) (y(k) is the Euclidean norm of the k-th col...

ungefär ett år ago


Calculate Angle From Axis
Given coordinates x and y, an axis ("X" or "Y"), and a direction ("cw" or "ccw", meaning clockwise and counterclockwise, respect...

ungefär ett år ago


Determine if Input is Oddish or Evenish (Odd/Even Sum of Digits)
Given a positive integer n, determine whether n is "oddish" or "evenish" - that is, whether the sum of the digits of n is odd or...

mer än ett år ago


Is this is a Tic Tac Toe X Win?
For the game of Tic Tac Toe we will be storing the state of the game in a matrix M. For this game: We would store the state ...

mer än ett år ago


Find the largest value in the 3D matrix
Given a 3D matrix A, find the largest value. Example >> A = 1:9; >> A = reshape(A,[3 1 3]); >> islargest(A) a...

mer än ett år ago


Recaman Sequence - II
Take an arbitrary starting point as input and create Recaman Sequence. Then find the 1, return its index. For example: if n =...

mer än ett år ago


Recaman Sequence - I
Recaman Sequence (A005132 - < - OEIS Link>) is defined as follow; seq(0) = 0; for n > 0, seq(n) ...

mer än ett år ago


Spot the First Occurrence of 5
This problem series invites you to solve two simple problems related to the integer NUMBER FIVE, in order to celebrate <https://...

mer än ett år ago


Pentagonal Numbers
Your function will receive a lower and upper bound. It should return all pentagonal numbers within that inclusive range in ascen...

mer än ett år ago


Sums with Excluded Digits
Add all the integers from 1 to n in which the digit m does not appear. m will always be a single digit integer from 0 to 9. no...

mer än ett år ago


Remove all the consonants
Remove all the consonants in the given phrase. Example: Input s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill'; Output s2 is 'a ...

mer än ett år ago


Project Euler: Problem 9, Pythagorean numbers
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 = 9 + 16 ...

mer än ett år ago


Project Euler: Problem 10, Sum of Primes
The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below the input, N. Thank you <http:/...

mer än ett år ago


Project Euler: Problem 2, Sum of even Fibonacci
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 te...

mer än ett år ago


Return the Fibonacci Sequence
Write a code which returns the Fibonacci Sequence such that the largest value in the sequence is less than the input integer N. ...

mer än ett år ago


Temperature Conversion 3
Given a temperature in Celcius, convert it to Fahrenheit.

mer än ett år ago


Temperature Conversion 2

mer än ett år ago


Temperature Conversion 1

mer än ett år ago

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