How shall I resolve the warning of Merging of Pdfs?
Nice little utility (and overall apache pdfbox functionality), I just tried it, it worked and it didn't even give me an error (b...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Concatenate two vectors with different dimensions and sort the result in an ascending order.
vertcat(A,B) or cat(1,A,B) or just [A;B] is what you need to concatenate vertically. then just sort Your code however gives the...

mer än ett år ago | 1

How can I get latitude and longitude range for each US state in MATLAB?
With: states = shaperead('usastatelo'); one for example gets 'BoundingBox', 'X', 'Y' among others for each US state states(is...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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How do I create a colored intensity plot from location and intensity values
Could imagesc work? sysize = 100; maxintensity = 20; npoints = 13; coords = randi(sysize,[npoints,2]); imatc = nan(sysize); ...

mer än ett år ago | 1

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Problem with array and save file?
Do you need a 3D cell and then rehsape it or can you create it like the 2D table you want already? videosn = ["Searching for Bo...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Find x in provided equation!
x^2-2*x+1=0 This polynomial can be expressed by using each term's coefficients, such as [1 -2 1]. Using the polynomial ...

mer än ett år ago


Who invented zero?
We know the importance zero in computer science, mathematics... but who invented zero? Clue: He was the first in the line ...

mer än ett år ago


Change string to number
Change given string to number. (hint: there is already function) Changing from ['1234'] to [1234] is one of example

mer än ett år ago

I would like to find bursts among neuronal spikes.
There are several features that you may want to take into account depending on your data and on what you want to do. The simples...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Why do I see a drop in the last datapoint (Nyquist frequency) of the spectra derived from pwelch?
It may be because it's the Nyquist frequency, rolloff/aliasing/edge artefacts should happen afterwards at higher freqs but in so...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Reconstruction of a Signal from the Real Part of Its Discrete Fourier Transform for matlab
N = 14; %ns = 0:N; xn = 1/2*(randn(N, 1) +1i*randn(N,1)); %random complex signal x_n = [0+0i;xn;zeros([N,1])+0i]; % M or nume...

mer än ett år ago | 1

I am getting the same processed image result from easch iteration of the loop.I want to get the respective processed image from each iteration of the loop.
COuld the problem (just a first glance) be here? myFiles = dir(fullfile(myDir,'*.png')); %gets all png files in struct for k ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Plotting surface tangent to surface plot
You should use a matrix, not a scalar or vector, as the error says. Z (and T) are vectors, probably an issue with how you defi...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How in the world am I supposed to install MATLAB on Linux Ubuntu 20.04?!
cd mounted/directory/with/matlab ./install But you probably already tried that. Add sudo first before the command maybe. You...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Indexing in complex cell arrays
To simplify, since you are working with cells that contain only single colums or rows (and not multiple like in a matrix), a{1} ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Extract data points from multiple plot in one figure on Matlab
Your figure axes have 3 graphic objects, the first is the green line and the last is the Observed and Simulation ones. In betwee...

mer än ett år ago | 0

plot running time complexity
Well, in this figure the functions behind the lines are just not the simple ones displayed. Otherwise for example all n^n and n^...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Energy of an object
Calculate the total mechanical energy of an object. Total Energy= Potential energy + Kinetic energy P.E.=m*g*h K.E.=1/2...

mer än ett år ago


Fill a zeros matrix
The aim is to fill an array of all zeros given a numerical value and the index of row and columns for this value. 3 Inputs: ...

mer än ett år ago


Distance of the centroids of the balls
Given *n* balls of radius *r* and the vector *p (nx3)* with all position *(x,y,z)* of the balls, return the symmetric matrix *A ...

mer än ett år ago


Calculate compression ratio of engine
Calculate compression ratio of engine given compression volume of cylinder(Vc), piston stroke(s) and valve diameter(d)

mer än ett år ago

Extract one pixel vertical stripes from multiple images and concatenate them in a new image in Matlab
folder = ''; % pwd or C:\Users\etc or /usr/local/ or fullfile or https// or whatever position = 10; % column of pixels in pixel...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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For over three dimensional data
How is my whole Uni requesting help like this? Surely there are some people who could help within already... Anyway, you should...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How can I remove double values in an array
"remove rows in C that has zero in the second column" so pretty much the array B but with the 2nd column values of A whenever th...

mer än ett år ago | 0


All capital?
Are all the letters in the input string capital letters? Examples: 'MNOP' -> 1 'MN0P' -> 0

mer än ett år ago


Find similar sequences
Another problem inspired by a question on the < answers> forum. Given a matrix ...

mer än ett år ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - upper bound
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

mer än ett år ago

how can I modify my code so that whenever my Y axis reaches 2.5E-6 it get constant, means no more variation with x axis.
For a question about a value or a plot, the code you shared is needelessly complicated, you could make it easier for the people ...

mer än ett år ago | 0


Convert String to Morse Code
Convert a given string to international < Morse Code> * Strings will only have [A-z], ...

mer än ett år ago

How can I split the data in cells
countries = {'Finland','San Marino','Serbia','France','Germany','Spain','Ireland','Italy','United Kingdom','Bosnia and Herzego...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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