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One-class support vector machine (SVM) model for incremental anomaly detection

Since R2023b


    The incrementalOneClassSVM function creates an incrementalOneClassSVM model object, which represents a one-class SVM model for incremental anomaly detection.

    Unlike other Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ model objects, incrementalOneClassSVM can be called directly. Also, you can specify learning options, such as the mini-batch size for each learning cycle, the learning rate, and whether to standardize the predictor data before fitting the model to data. After you create an incrementalOneClassSVM object, it is prepared for incremental learning (see Incremental Learning for Anomaly Detection).

    incrementalOneClassSVM is best suited for incremental learning. For a traditional approach to anomaly detection when all the data is provided in advance, see ocsvm.


    Incremental learning functions support only numeric input predictor data. You must prepare an encoded version of categorical data to use incremental learning functions. Use dummyvar to convert each categorical variable to a dummy variable. For more details, see Dummy Variables.


    You can create an incrementalOneClassSVM model object in several ways:

    • Call the function directly — Configure incremental learning options, or specify learner-specific options, by calling incrementalOneClassSVM directly. This approach is best when you do not have data yet or you want to start incremental learning immediately.

    • Convert a traditionally trained model — To initialize a one-class SVM model for incremental learning using the model parameters of a trained OneClassSVM model object, you can convert the traditionally trained model to an incrementalOneClassSVM model object by passing it to the incrementalLearner function.

    • Call an incremental learning functionfit accepts a configured incrementalOneClassSVM model object and data as input, and returns an incrementalOneClassSVM model object updated with information learned from the input model and data.


    Mdl = incrementalOneClassSVM returns a default incremental one-class SVM model object Mdl for anomaly detection. Properties of a default model contain placeholders for unknown model parameters. You must train a default model before you can use it to detect anomalies.


    Mdl = incrementalOneClassSVM(Name=Value) sets properties and additional options using name-value arguments. For example, incrementalOneClassSVM(ContaminationFraction=0.1,ScoreWarmupPeriod=1000) sets the anomaly contamination fraction to 0.1 and the score warm-up period to 1000.


    Input Arguments

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    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: Shuffle=true,StandardizeData=true specifies to shuffle the observations at each iteration, and to standardize the predictor data.

    Random number stream for reproducibility of data transformation, specified as a random stream object. For details, see Random Feature Expansion.

    Use RandomStream to reproduce the random basis functions used by incrementalOneClassSVM to transform the data in X to a high-dimensional space. For details, see Managing the Global Stream Using RandStream and Creating and Controlling a Random Number Stream.

    Example: RandomStream=RandStream("mlfg6331_64")

    This property is read-only.

    Flag for shuffling the observations at each iteration, specified as a value in this table.

    1 (true)The software shuffles the observations in an incoming chunk of data before the fit function fits the model. This action reduces bias induced by the sampling scheme.
    0 (false)The software processes the data in the order received.

    This option is valid only when Solver is "scale-invariant". When Solver is "sgd" or "asgd", the software always shuffles the observations in an incoming chunk of data before processing the data.

    Example: Shuffle=false

    Data Types: logical

    Flag to standardize the predictor data, specified as a value in this table.

    "auto"incrementalOneClassSVM determines whether the predictor variables need to be standardized.
    1 (true)The software standardizes the predictor data.
    0 (false)The software does not standardize the predictor data.

    Under some conditions, incrementalOneClassSVM can override your specification. For more details, see Standardize Data.

    Example: StandardizeData=true

    Data Types: logical | char | string


    expand all

    You can set most properties by using name-value argument syntax when you call incrementalOneClassSVM directly. You can set some properties when you call incrementalLearner to convert a traditionally trained model object. You cannot set the properties FittedLoss, Mu, NumTrainingObservations, ScoreThreshold, Sigma, SolverOptions, and IsWarm.

    One-Class SVM Model Parameters

    This property is read-only.

    Fraction of anomalies in the training data, specified as a numeric scalar in the range [0,1].

    • If the ContaminationFraction value is 0 (default), then incrementalOneClassSVM treats all training observations as normal observations, and sets the score threshold (ScoreThreshold property value) to the maximum anomaly score value of the training data.

    • If the ContaminationFraction value is in the range (0,1], then incrementalOneClassSVM determines the threshold value (ScoreThreshold property value) so that the function detects the specified fraction of training observations as anomalies.

    The default ContaminationFraction value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, ContaminationFraction is specified by the corresponding property of the traditionally trained model.

    • If you create Mdl by calling incrementalOneClassSVM directly, you can specify ContaminationFraction by using name-value argument syntax. If you do not specify the value, then the default value is 0.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Loss function used to fit the linear model, returned as "hinge". The function has the form [y,f(x)]=max[0,1yf(x)].

    This property is read-only.

    Kernel scale parameter, specified as "auto" or a positive scalar. incrementalOneClassSVM stores the KernelScale value as a numeric scalar. The software obtains a random basis for feature expansion by using the kernel scale parameter. For details, see Random Feature Expansion.

    If you specify "auto" when creating the model object, the software selects an appropriate kernel scale parameter using a heuristic procedure. This procedure uses subsampling, so estimates might vary from one call to another. Therefore, to reproduce results, set a random number seed by using rng before training.

    The default KernelScale value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, KernelScale is specified by the corresponding property of the traditionally trained model.

    • Otherwise, the default value is 1.

    Data Types: char | string | single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Predictor means, specified as a numeric vector.

    If Mu is an empty array [] and you specify StandardizeData=true, the incremental fitting function fit sets Mu to the predictor variable means estimated during the estimation period specified by EstimationPeriod.

    You cannot specify Mu directly.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Number of dimensions of the expanded space, specified as "auto" or a positive integer. incrementalOneClassSVM stores the NumExpansionDimensions value as a numeric scalar.

    For "auto", the software selects the number of dimensions using 2.^ceil(min(log2(p)+5,15)), where p is the number of predictors. For details, see Random Feature Expansion.

    The default NumExpansionDimensions value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, NumExpansionDimensions is specified by the corresponding property of the traditionally trained model.

    • Otherwise, the default value is "auto".

    Data Types: char | string | single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Number of predictor variables, specified as a nonnegative numeric scalar.

    The default NumPredictors value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, NumPredictors is specified by the corresponding property of the traditionally trained model.

    • If you create Mdl by calling incrementalOneClassSVM directly, you can specify NumPredictors by using name-value argument syntax. If you do not specify the value, then the default value is 0, and incremental fitting functions infer NumPredictors from the predictor data during training.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Number of observations fit to the incremental model Mdl, specified as a nonnegative numeric scalar. NumTrainingObservations increases when you pass Mdl and training data to fit outside of the estimation period.

    • When fitting the model, the software ignores observations that contain at least one missing value.

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, incrementalOneClassSVM does not add the number of observations fit to the traditionally trained model to NumTrainingObservations.

    You cannot specify NumTrainingObservations directly.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Predictor variable names, specified as a cell array of character vectors. The order of the elements in PredictorNames corresponds to the order in which the predictor names appear in the training data. If the training data is in a table TBL, the predictor variable names must be a subset of the variable names in TBL, and the fit and isanomaly functions use only the selected variables. The software infers NumPredictors based on the value of PredictorNames.

    Data Types: cell

    This property is read-only.

    Predictor standard deviations, specified as a numeric vector.

    If Sigma is an empty array [] and you specify StandardizeData=true, the incremental fitting function fit sets Sigma to the predictor variable standard deviations estimated during the estimation period specified by EstimationPeriod.

    You cannot specify Sigma directly.

    Data Types: single | double

    SGD and ASGD Solver Parameters

    This property is read-only.

    Mini-batch size for the stochastic solvers, specified as a positive integer. You cannot specify this parameter when Solver is "scale-invariant".

    At each learning cycle during training, incrementalOneClassSVM uses BatchSize observations to compute the subgradient. The number of observations for the last mini-batch (last learning cycle in each function call of fit) can be smaller than BatchSize. For example, if you specify BatchSize = 10 and supply 25 observations to fit, the function uses 10 observations for the first two learning cycles and 5 observations for the last learning cycle.

    The default BatchSize value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, and you specify Solver = "sgd" or Solver = "asgd", then BatchSize is specified by the corresponding property of the object.

    • If you create Mdl by calling incrementalOneClassSVM directly, the default value is 10.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Ridge (L2) regularization term strength, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

    You cannot specify this parameter unless you specify Solver = "sgd" or Solver = "asgd".

    If you specify "auto" when creating the model object:

    • When Solver is "sgd" or "asgd", the software estimates Lambda during the estimation period using a heuristic procedure.

    • When Solver is "scale-invariant", then Lambda = NaN.

    The default Lambda value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, and you specify Solver = "sgd" or Solver = "asgd", then Lambda is specified by the corresponding property of the traditionally trained model. If you specify a different solver, the default value is NaN.

    • If you create Mdl by calling incrementalOneClassSVM directly, the default value is NaN.

    Data Types: double | single

    This property is read-only.

    Initial learning rate, specified as "auto" or a positive scalar. incrementalOneClassSVM stores the LearnRate value as a numeric scalar.

    You cannot specify this parameter when Solver is "scale-invariant".

    The learning rate controls the optimization step size by scaling the objective subgradient. LearnRate specifies an initial value for the learning rate, and LearnRateSchedule determines the learning rate for subsequent learning cycles.

    When you specify "auto":

    • The initial learning rate is 0.7.

    • If EstimationPeriod > 0, fit changes the rate to 1/sqrt(1+max(sum(X.^2,2))) at the end of EstimationPeriod, where X is the predictor data collected during the estimation period.

    The default LearnRate value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you create Mdl by calling incrementalOneClassSVM directly, the default value is "auto".

    • Otherwise, the LearnRate name-value argument of the incrementalLearner function sets this property. The default value of the argument is "auto".

    Data Types: single | double | char | string

    This property is read-only.

    Learning rate schedule, specified as "decaying" or "constant", where LearnRate specifies the initial learning rate ɣ0. incrementalOneClassSVM stores the LearnRateSchedule value as a character vector.

    You cannot specify this parameter unless you specify Solver= "sgd" or Solver= "asgd".

    "constant"The learning rate is ɣ0 for all learning cycles.

    The learning rate at learning cycle t is


    • λ is the value of Lambda.

    • If Solver is "sgd", then c = 1.

    • If Solver is "asgd", then c = 0.75 [6].

    The default LearnRateSchedule value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model object to create Mdl, the LearnRateSchedule name-value argument of the incrementalLearner function sets this property.

    • Otherwise, the default value is "decaying".

    Data Types: char | string

    Score Threshold Parameters

    This property is read-only.

    Flag indicating whether the incremental fitting function fit returns scores and detects anomalies after training the model, specified as logical 0 (false) or 1 (true).

    The incremental model Mdl is warm (IsWarm becomes true) after the fit function fits the incremental model to ScoreWarmupPeriod observations.

    You cannot specify IsWarm directly.

    If EstimationPeriod > 0, then during the estimation period, fit does not fit the model or update ScoreThreshold, and IsWarm is false.

    1(true)The incremental model Mdl is warm. Consequently, fit trains the model and then returns scores and detects anomalies.
    0(false)fit trains the model but returns all scores as NaN and all anomaly indicators as false.

    Data Types: logical

    This property is read-only.

    Threshold for the anomaly score used to detect anomalies, specified as a nonnegative integer. incrementalOneClassSVM detects observations with scores above the threshold as anomalies.


    If EstimationPeriod > 0, then during the estimation period, fit does not fit the model or update ScoreThreshold.

    The default ScoreThreshold value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model object to create Mdl, then ScoreThreshold is specified by the corresponding property value of the object.

    • Otherwise, the default value is 0.

    You cannot specify ScoreThreshold directly.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Warm-up period before score output and anomaly detection (outside the estimation period, if EstimationPeriod > 0), specified as a nonnegative integer. The ScoreWarmupPeriod value is the number of observations to which the incremental model must be fit before the incremental fit function returns scores and detects anomalies.


    • When processing observations during the score warm-up period, the software ignores observations that contain at least one missing value.

    • You can return scores and detect anomalies during the warm-up period by calling isanomaly directly.

    The default ScoreWarmupPeriod value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, the ScoreWarmupPeriod name-value argument of the incrementalLearner function sets this property.

    • Otherwise, the default value is 0.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Running window size used to estimate the score threshold (ScoreThreshold), specified as a positive integer.

    The default ScoreWindowSize value depends on how you create the model:

    • If you convert a traditionally trained model to create Mdl, the ScoreWindowSize name-value argument of the incrementalLearner function sets this property.

    • Otherwise, the default value is 1000.

    Data Types: double

    Training Parameters

    This property is read-only.

    Number of observations processed by the incremental learner to estimate hyperparameters before training, specified as a nonnegative integer.

    • When processing observations during the estimation period, the software ignores observations that contain at least one missing value.

    • If Mdl is prepared for incremental learning (all hyperparameters required for training are specified), incrementalOneClassSVM forces EstimationPeriod to 0.

    • If Mdl is not prepared for incremental learning, incrementalOneClassSVM sets EstimationPeriod to 1000 and estimates the unknown hyperparameters.

    For more details, see Estimation Period.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Objective function minimization technique, specified as a value in this table.


    Adaptive scale-invariant solver for incremental learning [1]

    • This algorithm is parameter free and can adapt to differences in predictor scales. Try this algorithm before using SGD or ASGD.

    • To shuffle an incoming chunk of data before the fit function fits the model, set Shuffle to true.

    "sgd"Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) [5][2]

    • To train effectively with SGD, standardize the data and specify adequate values for hyperparameters using options listed in SGD and ASGD Solver Parameters.

    • The fit function always shuffles an incoming chunk of data before fitting the model.

    "asgd"Average stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) [6]

    • To train effectively with ASGD, standardize the data and specify adequate values for hyperparameters using options listed in SGD and ASGD Solver Parameters.

    • The fit function always shuffles an incoming chunk of data before fitting the model.

    Data Types: char | string

    This property is read-only.

    Objective solver configurations, specified as a structure array. The fields of SolverOptions depend on the value of Solver.

    You can specify the field values using the corresponding name-value arguments when you create the model object by calling incrementalOneClassSVM directly, or when you convert a traditionally trained model using the incrementalLearner function.

    You cannot specify SolverOptions directly.

    Data Types: struct

    Object Functions

    fitTrain one-class SVM model for incremental anomaly detection
    isanomalyFind anomalies in data using one-class support vector machine (SVM) for incremental learning
    resetReset incremental one-class SVM model


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    Create a default one-class support vector machine (SVM) model for incremental anomaly detection.

    Mdl = incrementalOneClassSVM;
    ans = 
    ans = 

    Mdl is an incrementalOneClassSVM model object. All its properties are read-only. By default, the software sets the score warm-up period to 0 and the anomaly contamination fraction to 0.

    Mdl must be fit to data before you can use it to perform any other operations.

    Load Data

    Load the 1994 census data stored in census1994.mat. The data set consists of demographic data from the US Census Bureau.

    load census1994.mat

    incrementalOneClassSVM does not support categorical predictors and does not use observations with missing values. Remove missing values in the data to reduce memory consumption and speed up training. Remove the categorical predictors.

    adultdata = rmmissing(adultdata);
    adultdata = removevars(adultdata,["workClass","education","marital_status", ...

    Fit Incremental Model

    Fit the incremental model Mdl to the data in the adultdata table by using the fit function. Because ScoreWarmupPeriod = 0, fit returns scores and detects anomalies immediately after fitting the model for the first time. To simulate a data stream, fit the model in chunks of 100 observations at a time. At each iteration:

    • Process 100 observations.

    • Overwrite the previous incremental model with a new one fitted to the incoming observations.

    • Store medianscore, the median score value of the data chunk, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.

    • Store allscores, the score values for the fitted observations.

    • Store threshold, the score threshold value for anomalies, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.

    • Store numAnom, the number of detected anomalies in the data chunk.

    n = numel(adultdata(:,1));
    numObsPerChunk = 100;
    nchunk = floor(n/numObsPerChunk);
    medianscore = zeros(nchunk,1);
    threshold = zeros(nchunk,1);    
    numAnom = zeros(nchunk,1);
    allscores = [];
    % Incremental fitting
    rng(0,"twister"); % For reproducibility
    for j = 1:nchunk
        ibegin = min(n,numObsPerChunk*(j-1) + 1);
        iend = min(n,numObsPerChunk*j);
        idx = ibegin:iend;    
        Mdl = fit(Mdl,adultdata(idx,:));
        [isanom,scores] = isanomaly(Mdl,adultdata(idx,:));
        medianscore(j) = median(scores);
        allscores = [allscores scores'];    
        numAnom(j) = sum(isanom);
        threshold(j) = Mdl.ScoreThreshold;

    Mdl is an incrementalOneClassSVM model object trained on all the data in the stream. The fit function fits the model to the data chunk, and the isanomaly function returns the observation scores and the indices of observations in the data chunk with scores above the score threshold value.

    Analyze Incremental Model During Training

    Plot the anomaly score for every observation.

    xlim([0 n])

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Observation, ylabel Score contains an object of type line.

    At each iteration, the software calculates a score value for each observation in the data chunk. A negative score value with large magnitude indicates a normal observation, and a large positive value indicates an anomaly.

    To see how the score threshold and median score per data chunk evolve during training, plot them on separate tiles.

    ylabel("Median Score")
    xlim([0 nchunk])
    ylabel("Score Threshold")
    xlim([0 nchunk])

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel Iteration, ylabel Median Score contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with xlabel Iteration, ylabel Score Threshold contains an object of type line.

    finalScoreThreshold = 

    The median score is negative for the first several iterations, then rapidly approaches zero. The anomaly score threshold immediately rises from its (default) starting value of 0 to 1.3, and then gradually approaches 0.18. Because ContaminationFraction = 0, incrementalOneClassSVM treats all training observations as normal observations, and at each iteration sets the score threshold to the maximum score value in the data chunk.

    totalAnomalies = sum(numAnom)
    totalAnomalies = 

    No anomalies are detected at any iteration, because ContaminationFraction = 0.

    Prepare an incremental one-class SVM model by specifying an anomaly contamination fraction of 0.001, and standardize the data using an initial estimation period of 2000 observations. Specify a score warm-up period of 10,000 observations, during which the fit function updates the score threshold and trains the model but does not return scores or detect anomalies.

    Mdl = incrementalOneClassSVM(ContaminationFraction=0.001, ...
        StandardizeData=true,EstimationPeriod=2000, ...

    Mdl is an incrementalOneClassSVM model object. All its properties are read-only. Mdl must be fit to data before you can use it to perform any other operations.

    Load Data

    Load the 1994 census data stored in census1994.mat. The data set consists of demographic data from the US Census Bureau.

    load census1994.mat

    incrementalOneClassSVM does not support categorical predictors and does not use observations with missing values. Remove missing values in the data to reduce memory consumption and speed up training. Remove the categorical predictors.

    adultdata = rmmissing(adultdata);
    Xtrain = removevars(adultdata,["workClass","education","marital_status", ...

    Fit Incremental Model and Detect Anomalies

    Fit the incremental model Mdl to the data by using the fit function. To simulate a data stream, fit the model in chunks of 100 observations at a time. Because EstimationPeriod = 2000 and ScoreWarmupPeriod = 10000, fit returns scores and detects anomalies only after 120 iterations. At each iteration:

    • Process 100 observations.

    • Overwrite the previous incremental model with a new one fitted to the incoming observations.

    • Store meanscore, the mean score value of the data chunk, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.

    • Store threshold, the score threshold value for anomalies, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.

    • Store numAnom, the number of detected anomalies in the chunk, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.

    n = numel(Xtrain(:,1));
    numObsPerChunk = 100;
    nchunk = floor(n/numObsPerChunk);
    meanscore = zeros(nchunk,1);
    threshold = zeros(nchunk,1);    
    numAnom = zeros(nchunk,1);
    % Incremental fitting
    rng("default"); % For reproducibility
    for j = 1:nchunk
        ibegin = min(n,numObsPerChunk*(j-1) + 1);
        iend = min(n,numObsPerChunk*j);
        idx = ibegin:iend;    
        [Mdl,tf,scores] = fit(Mdl,Xtrain(idx,:));
        meanscore(j) = mean(scores);
        numAnom(j) = sum(tf);
        threshold(j) = Mdl.ScoreThreshold;

    Mdl is an incrementalOneClassSVM model object trained on all the data in the stream.

    Analyze Incremental Model During Training

    To see how the mean score, score threshold, and number of detected anomalies per chunk evolve during training, plot them on separate tiles.

    ylabel("Mean Score")
    xlim([0 nchunk])
    ylabel("Score Threshold")
    xlim([0 nchunk])
    xlim([0 nchunk])
    ylim([0 max(numAnom)+0.2])

    Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel Iteration, ylabel Mean Score contains 3 objects of type line, constantline. Axes object 2 with xlabel Iteration, ylabel Score Threshold contains 3 objects of type line, constantline. Axes object 3 with xlabel Iteration, ylabel Anomalies contains 3 objects of type line, constantline. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

    During the estimation period, fit estimates means and standard deviations using the observations, and does not fit the model or update the score threshold. During the warm-up period, the fit function fits the model and updates the score threshold, but returns all scores as NaN and all anomaly values as false. After the warm-up period, fit returns the observation scores and the indices of observations with scores above the score threshold value. A negative score value with large magnitude indicates a normal observation, and a large positive value indicates an anomaly.

    totalAnomalies = 
    anomfrac= totalAnomalies/(n-Mdl.EstimationPeriod-Mdl.ScoreWarmupPeriod)
    anomfrac = 

    The software detected 18 anomalies after the warm-up and estimation periods. The contamination fraction after the estimation and warm-up periods is approximately 0.001.

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    [1] Kempka, Michał, Wojciech Kotłowski, and Manfred K. Warmuth. "Adaptive Scale-Invariant Online Algorithms for Learning Linear Models." Preprint, submitted February 10, 2019.

    [2] Langford, J., L. Li, and T. Zhang. “Sparse Online Learning Via Truncated Gradient.” J. Mach. Learn. Res., Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 777–801.

    [3] Le, Q., T. Sarlós, and A. Smola. “Fastfood — Approximating Kernel Expansions in Loglinear Time.” Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning. Vol. 28, No. 3, 2013, pp. 244–252.

    [4] Rahimi, A., and B. Recht. “Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Vol. 20, 2008, pp. 1177–1184.

    [5] Shalev-Shwartz, S., Y. Singer, and N. Srebro. “Pegasos: Primal Estimated Sub-Gradient Solver for SVM.” Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML ’07, 2007, pp. 807–814.

    [6] Xu, Wei. “Towards Optimal One Pass Large Scale Learning with Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent.” CoRR, abs/1107.2490, 2011.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

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