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Scenario Visualization

Plot objects, detections, and tracks in a radar tracking scenario

Use theater plot to display the scenario. Plot object positions, detections, track and orientation and other scenario properties.


theaterPlotPlot objects, detections, and tracks in Scenario (Since R2021a)
clearDataClear data from specific plotter of theater plot (Since R2021a)
findPlotterReturn array of plotters associated with theater plot (Since R2021a)
clearPlotterDataClear plotter data from theater plot (Since R2021a)
coveragePlotterCreate coverage plotter (Since R2021a)
plotCoveragePlot set of coverages in theater coverage plotter (Since R2021a)
detectionPlotterCreate detection plotter (Since R2021a)
plotDetectionPlot set of detections in theater detection plotter (Since R2021a)
orientationPlotterCreate orientation plotter (Since R2021a)
plotOrientationPlot set of orientations in orientation plotter (Since R2021a)
platformPlotterCreate platform plotter (Since R2021a)
plotPlatformPlot set of platforms in platform plotter (Since R2021a)
trackPlotterCreate track plotter (Since R2021a)
plotTrackPlot set of tracks in theater track plotter (Since R2021a)
surfacePlotterCreate surface plotter (Since R2022b)
plotSurfacePlot surfaces in theater surface plotter (Since R2022b)
surfacePlotterDataData for surface plotter (Since R2022b)
clutterRegionPlotterCreate clutter region plotter (Since R2022b)
plotClutterRegionPlot clutter region in theater plot (Since R2022b)
clutterRegionDataCreate data structure used as input to clutter region plotter (Since R2022b)
trajectoryPlotterCreate trajectory plotter (Since R2021a)
plotTrajectoryPlot set of trajectories in trajectory plotter (Since R2021a)

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