(Not recommended) Class of elements within gpuArray or distributed array
is not recommended. Use underlyingType
instead. For more information, see Version History.
C = classUnderlying(D)
C = classUnderlying(D)
returns the name of the class of the elements contained within the gpuArray or distributed array D
. Similar to the MATLAB class
function, this returns a character vector indicating the class of the data.
Examine the class of the elements of a gpuArray.
N = 1000; G8 = ones(1,N,'uint8','gpuArray'); G1 = NaN(1,N,'single','gpuArray'); c8 = classUnderlying(G8) c1 = classUnderlying(G1)
c8 = uint8 c1 = single
Examine the class of the elements of a distributed array.
N = 1000; D8 = ones(1,N,'uint8','distributed'); D1 = NaN(1,N,'single','distributed'); c8 = classUnderlying(D8) c1 = classUnderlying(D1)
c8 = uint8 c1 = single
Version History
Introduced in R2013bSee Also
| distributed
| gpuArray
| underlyingType
| isUnderlyingType
| mustBeUnderlyingType