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Map Time and Bond Cash Flows

This example shows how to use Financial Toolbox™ and Spreadsheet Link™ to calculate a set of cash flow amounts and dates for a portfolio of five bonds.

Open the ExliSamp.xls file and select the Sheet6 worksheet. For help finding the ExliSamp.xls file, see Installation.

This worksheet contains the maturity dates and coupon rates for five bonds.

Worksheet cells B8 through B12 contain the maturity for five bonds and cells C8 through C12 contain the coupon rate. Cells I3 through N7 are empty cells for cash flow dates. Cells I13 through N18 are empty cells for cash flow amounts. Spreadsheet Link functions are in column A starting at cell A18.


This example requires Financial Toolbox, Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™, and Optimization Toolbox™.

  1. Execute the Spreadsheet Link function that transfers the column vector Maturity to the MATLAB® workspace by double-clicking the cell A18 and pressing Enter.

  2. Transfer the column vector Coupon Rate to the MATLAB workspace by executing the function in cell A19.

  3. Transfer the settlement date to the MATLAB workspace by executing the function in cell A20.

  4. Calculate cash flow amounts and dates by executing the Financial Toolbox functions in cells A23 and A24.

  5. Transform the dates into a cell array of character vectors by executing the functions in cells A27 through A29.

  6. Transfer the data to the Excel® worksheet by executing the functions in cells A32 through A34.

    Worksheet cells I3 through N7 contain cash flow dates and cells I13 through N18 contain cash flow amounts.

  7. Display a plot of cash flows for each bond by executing the function in cell A37.

    Plot contains cash flow for the bonds (y-axis) and cash flow dates (x-axis).

To generate cash flows for a different set of five bonds, close the figure and change the bond data in cells B8:C12. Then, execute all the Spreadsheet Link functions again. The worksheet updates with new cash flow dates and amounts and MATLAB generates a new figure of the cash flows.

See Also

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