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Overwrite Values

Overwrite submatrix or subdiagonal of input

  • Overwrite Values block

DSP System Toolbox / Signal Management / Indexing / Matrix Operations
DSP System Toolbox / Math Functions / Matrices and Linear Algebra / Matrix Operations


The Overwrite Values block overwrites a contiguous submatrix or subdiagonal of an input matrix. You can provide the overwriting values by typing them in a block parameter or through an additional input port, which is useful for providing overwriting values that change at each time step.


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To overwrite the lower-right 2-by-3 submatrix of a 3-by-5 input matrix with all 0s, set these parameters in the Overwrite Values block dialog box.

  • Overwrite : Submatrix

  • Source of overwriting value(s) : Specify via dialog

  • Overwrite with : 0

  • Row span : Range of rows

  • Starting row : Index

  • Starting row index : 2

  • Ending row : Last

  • Column span : Range of columns

  • Starting column : Offset from last

  • Starting column offset : 2

  • Ending column : Last

This figure shows the block with the specified settings overwriting a portion of a 3-by-5 input matrix.

There are often several possible parameter combinations that select the same submatrix from the input. For example, instead of specifying Last for Ending column, you could select the same submatrix by specifying:

  • Ending column : Index

  • Ending column index : 5

To overwrite a subdiagonal, in the block dialog box:

  1. Set the Overwrite parameter to Diagonal.

  2. Specify the overwriting values by setting the Source of overwriting value(s) parameter.

  3. Specify the subdiagonal that you want to overwrite by setting the Diagonal span parameter to one of these options:

    • All elements — Overwrite the entire input diagonal.

    • One element — Overwrite one element in the diagonal, which you must specify in the Element parameter.

    • Range of elements — Overwrite a portion of the input diagonal, which you must specify in the Starting element and Ending element parameters.

  4. When you set Diagonal span to One element or Range of elements, you must also specify which diagonal element(s) to overwrite by setting the Element or Starting element and Ending element parameters.



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Specify the input data as a scalar, vector, or a matrix.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point | bus

Specify the value(s) with which to overwrite the specified portion of the input matrix. The dimensions of this parameter must match the dimensions of the portion of the matrix that you specify to overwrite using the row span and column span related parameters in the block dialog box.

For more information on how to specify valid overwriting values, see Valid Overwriting Values.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point | bus


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Data that is modified based on the row span and column span related parameters in the block dialog box, returned as a scalar, vector, or a matrix.

The output has the same size as the original input signal. The input(s) and output of this block must have the same data type.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point | bus


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Specify whether to overwrite a submatrix or a specified portion of the diagonal.

Specify the source of overwriting values as one of these options:

  • Specify via dialog — You must provide the overwriting value(s) in the Overwrite with parameter. The block uses the same overwriting values to overwrite the specified portion of the input at each time step. To learn how to specify valid overwriting values, see Valid Overwriting Values.

  • Second input port — You must provide overwriting values through a second block input port, V. Use this setting to provide different overwriting values at each time step. The output inherits its size and rate from the input signal, not the overwriting values.

    The rate at which you provide the overwriting values through input port V must match the rate at which the block receives each input matrix at input port A. In other words, the input signals must have the same Simulink® sample time.

Specify the value(s) with which to overwrite the specified portion of the input matrix. The dimensions of this parameter must match the dimensions of the portion of the matrix that you specify to overwrite using the row span and column span related parameters in the block dialog box.

For more information on how to specify valid overwriting values, see Valid Overwriting Values.


To enable this parameter, set Source of overwriting value(s) to Specify via dialog.

Specify the span of the input rows to overwrite. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • Range of rows — The submatrix contains one or more rows of the input, which you must specify in the Starting row and Ending row parameters.

  • All rows — The submatrix contains all rows of the input matrix.

  • One row — The submatrix contains only one row of the input matrix, which you must specify in the Row parameter.

When you set Row span to One row or Range of rows, you need to further specify the row(s) contained in the submatrix by setting the Row or Starting row and Ending row parameters.

Specify the input row that is the first row of the submatrix that the block overwrites. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • First –– First row of the input

  • Index –– Specify the first input row using the Row index and Starting row index parameters

  • Offset from last –– Input row with the index MrowOffset, where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in the Row offset and Starting row offset parameters

  • Last –– Last row of the input

  • Offset from middle –– Input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1 − rowOffset), where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in the Row offset and Starting row offset parameters

  • Middle –– Input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1), where M is the number of input rows


To enable the Row parameter, set Row span to One row.

To enable the Starting row parameter, set Row span to Range of rows.

Specify the index of the input row that is the first row of the submatrix that the block overwrites as a positive integer.


To enable the Row index parameter, set Row to Index.

To enable the Starting row index parameter, set Starting row to Index.

Specify the offset of the input row that is the first row of the submatrix that the block overwrites. When you set Row/Starting row to one of these options:

  • Offset from last –– Input row with the index MrowOffset, where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in this parameter

  • Offset from middle –– Input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1 − rowOffset), where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in this parameter


To enable Row offset, set Row to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

To enable Starting row offset, set Starting row to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

Specify the input row that is the last row of the submatrix that the block overwrites. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • Index –– Specify the ending input row using the Ending row index parameter

  • Offset from last –– Input row with the index MrowOffset, where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in the Ending row offset parameter

  • Last –– Last row of the input

  • Offset from middle –– Input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1 − rowOffset), where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in the Ending row offset parameter

  • Middle –– Input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1), where M is the number of input rows


To enable the Ending row parameter, set Row span to Range of rows and Starting row to any option other than Last.

Specify the index of the input row that is the last row of the submatrix that the block overwrites.


To enable this parameter, set Ending row to Index.

Specify the offset of the input row that is the last row of the submatrix that the block overwrites. When you set Ending row to one of these options:

  • Offset from last –– Input row with the index MrowOffset, where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in the Ending row offset parameter

  • Offset from middle –– Input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1 − rowOffset), where M is the number of input rows, and rowOffset is the value you specify in the Ending row offset parameter


To enable this parameter, set Ending row to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

Specify the span of the input columns to overwrite. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • Range of columns — The submatrix contains one or more columns of the input, which you must specify in the Starting column and Ending column parameters.

  • All columns — The submatrix contains all columns of the input matrix.

  • One column — The submatrix contains only one column of the input matrix, which you must specify in the Column parameter.

When you set Column span to One column or Range of columns, you need to further specify the column(s) contained in the submatrix by setting the Column or Starting column and Ending column parameters.

Specify the input column that is the first column of the submatrix that the block overwrites. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • First –– First column of the input

  • Index –– Specify the first input column using the Column index and Starting column index parameters

  • Offset from last –– Input column with the index NcolOffset, where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in the Column offset and Starting column offset parameters

  • Last –– Last column of the input

  • Offset from middle –– Input column with the index floor(N/2 + 1 − colOffset), where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in the Column offset and Starting column offset parameters

  • Middle –– Input column with the index floor(N/2 + 1), where N is the number of input columns


To enable the Column parameter, set Column span to One column.

To enable the Starting column parameter, set Column span to Range of columns.

Specify the index of the input column that is the first column of the submatrix that the block overwrites as a positive integer.


To enable the Column index parameter, set Column to Index.

To enable the Starting column index parameter, set Starting column to Index.

Specify the offset of the input column that is the first column of the submatrix that the block overwrites. When you set Starting column to one of these options:

  • Offset from last –– Input column with the index NcolOffset, where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in the Column offset and Starting column offset parameters

  • Offset from middle –– Input column with the index floor(N/2 + 1 − colOffset), where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in the Column offset and Starting column offset parameters


To enable the Column offset parameter, set Column to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

To enable the Starting column offset parameter, set Starting column to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

Specify the input column that is the last column of the submatrix that the block overwrites. You can set the parameter to one of these options:

  • Last –– Last column of the input

  • Index –– Specify the input column using the Ending column index parameter

  • Offset from last –– Input column with the index NcolOffset, where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in the Ending column offset parameter

  • Offset from middle –– Input column with the index floor(N/2 + 1 − colOffset), where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in the Ending column offset parameter

  • Middle –– Input column with the index floor(N/2 + 1), where N is the number of input columns


To enable this parameter, set Column span to Range of columns, and Starting column to any option other than Last.

Specify the index of the input column that is the last column of the submatrix that the block overwrites as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set Ending column to Index.

Specify the offset of the input column that is the last column of the submatrix that the block overwrites. When you set Ending column to one of these options:

  • Offset from last –– Input column with the index NcolOffset, where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in this parameter

  • Offset from middle –– Input column with the index floor(N/2 + 1 − colOffset), where N is the number of input columns, and colOffset is the value you specify in this parameter


To enable this parameter, set Ending column to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

Specify the span of the diagonal elements to be overwritten. You can set the parameter to one of these options:

  • Range of elements –– Overwrite a portion of the input diagonal, which you must specify in the Starting element and Ending element parameters.

  • All elements –– Overwrite the entire input diagonal.

  • One element –– Overwrite one element in the diagonal, which you must specify in the Element parameter.

When you set Diagonal span to One element or Range of elements, you need to further specify the diagonal element(s) to overwrite by setting the Element or Starting element and Ending element parameters.


To enable this parameter, set Overwrite to Diagonal.

Specify the input diagonal element that is the first element in the subdiagonal that the block overwrites. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • Index –– kth diagonal element, where k is the value of the Element index or Starting element index parameter

  • First –– Diagonal element in first row of the input

  • Offset from last –– Diagonal element in the row with the index Moffset, where M is the number of input rows, and offset is the value you specify in the Element offset and Starting element offset parameters

  • Last –– Diagonal element in the last row of the input

  • Offset from middle –– Diagonal element in the input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1 − offset), where M is the number of input rows, and offset is the value you specify in the Element offset and Starting element offset parameters

  • Middle –– Diagonal element in the input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1), where M is the number of input rows


To enable the Element parameter, set Element span to One element.

To enable the Starting element parameter, set Element span to Range of elements.

Specify the index of the input diagonal element that is the first element of the subdiagonal that the block overwrites as a positive integer.


To enable the Element index parameter, set Element to Index.

To enable the Starting element index parameter, set Starting element to Index.

Specify the input diagonal element that is the last element of the subdiagonal that the block overwrites. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • Index –– kth diagonal element, where k is the value of the Ending element index parameter

  • Last –– Diagonal element in the last row of the input

  • Offset from last –– Diagonal element in the row with the index Moffset, where M is the number of input rows, and offset is the value you specify in the Ending element offset parameter

  • Offset from middle –– Diagonal element in the input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1 − offset), where M is the number of input rows, and offset is the value you specify in the Ending element offset parameter

  • Middle –– Diagonal element in the input row with the index floor(M/2 + 1), where M is the number of input rows


To enable this parameter, set Element span to Range of elements, and Starting element to any option but Last.

Specify the index of the input diagonal element that is the last element of the subdiagonal that the block overwrites as a positive integer.


To enable this parameter, set Ending element to Index.

Specify the offset of the input diagonal element that is the first element of the subdiagonal that the block overwrites. When you set Starting element to:

  • Offset from middle –– Specify the value of this parameter as an integer.

  • Offset from last –– Specify the value of this parameter as a nonnegative integer.


To enable Element offset, set Element to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

To enable Starting element offset, set Starting element to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

Specify the offset of the input diagonal element that is the last element of the subdiagonal that the block overwrites as a nonnegative integer.


To enable this parameter, set Ending element to Offset from middle or Offset from last.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | bus | double | fixed point | integer | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


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Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also



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