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Run Custom Training Loops on a GPU and in Parallel

You can speed up your custom training loops by running them on a GPU, in parallel using multiple GPUs, or on a cluster.

It is recommended to train using a GPU or multiple GPUs. Only use single CPU or multiple CPUs if you do not have a GPU. CPUs are normally much slower than GPUs for both training and inference. Running on a single GPU typically offers much better performance than running on multiple CPU cores.


This topic shows how to perform custom training on GPUs, in parallel, and on the cloud. To learn about parallel and GPU workflows using the simpler trainnet function, see these topics:

Using a GPU or parallel options requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™. Using a GPU also requires a supported GPU device. For information on supported devices, see GPU Computing Requirements (Parallel Computing Toolbox). Using a remote cluster also requires MATLAB® Parallel Server™.

Train Network on GPU

By default, custom training loops run on the CPU. You can perform automatic differentiation using dlgradient and dlfeval on the GPU when your data is on the GPU. To run a custom training loop on a GPU, convert your data to a gpuArray (Parallel Computing Toolbox) object during training.

You can use minibatchqueue to manage your data during training. minibatchqueue automatically prepares data for training, including custom preprocessing and converting data to dlarray and gpuArray objects. By default, minibatchqueue returns all mini-batch variables on the GPU if one is available. You can choose which variables to return on the GPU using the OutputEnvironment property.

For an example that shows how to use minibatchqueue to train on the GPU, see Train Network Using Custom Training Loop.

Alternatively, you can manually convert your data to a gpuArray object within the training loop.

To easily specify the execution environment, create the variable executionEnvironment that contains either "cpu", "gpu", or "auto".

executionEnvironment = "auto"

During training, after reading a mini-batch, check the execution environment option and convert the data to a gpuArray if necessary. The canUseGPU function checks for useable GPUs.

if (executionEnvironment == "auto" && canUseGPU) || executionEnvironment == "gpu"
    X = gpuArray(X);

Train Single Network in Parallel

When you train in parallel, each worker trains the network simultaneously using a portion of a mini-batch. This behavior means that you must combine the gradients, loss, and state parameters after each iteration according to the proportion of the mini-batch processed by each worker.

You can train in parallel on your local machine or on a remote cluster, for example, in the cloud. Start a parallel pool using the desired resources and partition your data between the workers. During training, combine the gradients, loss, and state after each iteration so that the learnable parameters on each worker update in synchronization. For an example that shows how to perform custom training in parallel, see Train Network in Parallel with Custom Training Loop

Set Up Parallel Environment

It is recommended to train using a GPU or multiple GPUs. Only use single CPU or multiple CPUs if you do not have a GPU. CPUs are normally much slower than GPUs for both training and inference. Running on a single GPU typically offers much better performance than running on multiple CPU cores.

Set up the parallel environment before training. Start a parallel pool using the desired resources. To train using multiple GPUs, start a parallel pool with as many workers as available GPUs. MATLAB assigns a different GPU to each worker.

If you are using your local machine, use canUseGPU or gpuDeviceCount (Parallel Computing Toolbox) to determine whether you have GPUs available. For example, check the availability of your GPUs and start a parallel pool with as many workers as available GPUs.

if canUseGPU
    executionEnvironment = "gpu";
    numberOfGPUs = gpuDeviceCount("available");
    pool = parpool(numberOfGPUs);
    executionEnvironment = "cpu";
    pool = parpool;

If you are running code using a remote cluster, for example, a cluster in the cloud, start a parallel pool with as many workers as the number of GPUs per machine multiplied by the number of machines.

For more information on selecting specific GPUs, see Select Particular GPUs to Use for Training.

Specify Mini-Batch Size and Partition Data

Specify the mini-batch size to use during training. For GPU training, scale up the mini-batch size linearly with the number of GPUs to keep the workload on each GPU constant. For example, if you are training on a single GPU using a mini-batch size of 64 and you want to scale up to training with four GPUs of the same type, increase the mini-batch size to 256 so that each GPU processes 64 observations per iteration.

Scale up the mini-batch size by the number of workers, where N is the number of workers in your parallel pool.

if executionEnvironment == "gpu"
    miniBatchSize = miniBatchSize.*N

To use a mini-batch size that is not exactly divisible by the number of workers in your parallel pool, distribute the remainder across the workers.

workerMiniBatchSize = floor(miniBatchSize./repmat(N,1,N));
remainder = miniBatchSize - sum(workerMiniBatchSize);
workerMiniBatchSize = workerMiniBatchSize + [ones(1,remainder) zeros(1,N-remainder)]

At the start of training, shuffle the data. Partition the data so that each worker has access to a portion of the mini-batch. To partition a datastore, use the partition function.

Use minibatchqueue to manage the data on each worker during training. A minibatchqueue object automatically prepares data for training, including custom preprocessing and converting data to dlarray and gpuArray objects. Create a minibatchqueue object on each worker using the partitioned datastore. Set the MiniBatchSize property to the mini-batch sizes calculated for each worker.

At the start of each training iteration, use the spmdReduce (Parallel Computing Toolbox) function to check that all worker minibatchqueue objects can return data. If any worker runs out of data, training stops. If the overall mini-batch size is not exactly divisible by the number of workers and you do not discard partial mini-batches, some workers might run out of data before others.

Write your training code inside an spmd (Parallel Computing Toolbox) block so that the training loop executes on each worker.

% Shuffle the datastore.
augimdsTrain = shuffle(augimdsTrain);

    % Partition the datastore.
    workerImds = partition(augimdsTrain,N,spmdIndex);

    % Create a minibatchqueue object using the partitioned datastore on each worker.
    workerMbq = minibatchqueue(workerImds,...
        MiniBatchSize = workerMiniBatchSize(spmdIndex),...
        MiniBatchFcn = @preprocessMiniBatch);


    for epoch = 1:numEpochs

        % Reset and shuffle the mini-batch queue on each worker.
        % Loop over the mini-batches.
        while spmdReduce(@and,hasdata(workerMbq))

            % Custom training loop

Aggregate Gradients

To ensure that the network on each worker learns from all the data and not just the data on that worker, aggregate the gradients and use the aggregated gradients to update the network on each worker.

For example, suppose you are training the network net using the model loss function modelLoss. Your training loop contains the code for evaluating the loss, gradients, and statistics on each worker, where workerX and workerT are the predictor and target response on each worker, respectively.

[workerLoss,workerGradients,workerState] = dlfeval(@modelLoss,net,workerX,workerT);

To aggregate the gradients, use a weighted sum. Define a helper function to sum the gradients.

function gradients = aggregateGradients(gradients,factor)
    gradients = extractdata(gradients);
    gradients = spmdPlus(factor*gradients);

Inside the training loop, use dlupdate to apply the function to the gradients of each learnable parameter.

workerGradients.Value = dlupdate(@aggregateGradients,workerGradients.Value,{workerNormalizationFactor});

Aggregate Loss and Accuracy

To find the network loss and accuracy, for example, to plot them during training to monitor training progress, aggregate the values of the loss and accuracy on all of the workers. Typically, the aggregated value is the sum of the value on each worker weighted by the proportion of the mini-batch that each worker uses. To aggregate the losses and accuracy each iteration, calculate the weight factor for each worker and use spmdPlus (Parallel Computing Toolbox) to sum the values on each worker.

workerNormalizationFactor = workerMiniBatchSize(spmdIndex)./miniBatchSize;
loss = spmdPlus(workerNormalizationFactor*extractdata(dlworkerLoss));
accuracy = spmdPlus(workerNormalizationFactor*extractdata(dlworkerAccuracy));

Aggregate Statistics

If your network contains layers that track the statistics of your training data, such as batch normalization layers, then you must aggregate the statistics across all workers after each training iteration. Aggregating the statistics ensures that the network learns statistics that are representative of the entire training set.

You can identify the layers that contain statistics before training. For example, find the relevant layers using a dlnetwork object with batch normalization layers.

batchNormLayers = arrayfun(@(l)isa(l,'nnet.cnn.layer.BatchNormalizationLayer'),net.Layers);
batchNormLayersNames = string({net.Layers(batchNormLayers).Name});
state = net.State;
isBatchNormalizationStateMean = ismember(state.Layer,batchNormLayersNames) & state.Parameter == "TrainedMean";
isBatchNormalizationStateVariance = ismember(state.Layer,batchNormLayersNames) & state.Parameter == "TrainedVariance";
Define a helper function to aggregate the statistics. Batch normalization layers track the mean and variance of the input data. You can aggregate the mean on all the workers using a weighted average. To calculate the aggregated variance sc2, use this equation.


where N is the total number of workers, M is the total number of observations in a mini-batch, mj is the number of observations processed on the jth worker, x¯j and sj2 are the mean and variance statistics calculated on that worker, respectively, and x¯c is the aggregated mean across all workers.

function state = aggregateState(state,factor,...

    stateMeans = state.Value(isBatchNormalizationStateMean);
    stateVariances = state.Value(isBatchNormalizationStateVariance);

    for j = 1:numel(stateMeans)
        meanVal = stateMeans{j};
        varVal = stateVariances{j};
        % Calculate combined mean.
        combinedMean = spmdPlus(factor*meanVal);
        % Calculate combined variance terms to sum.
        varTerm = factor.*(varVal + (meanVal - combinedMean).^2);        
        % Update state.
        stateMeans{j} = combinedMean;
        stateVariances{j} = spmdPlus(varTerm);

    state.Value(isBatchNormalizationStateMean) = stateMeans;
    state.Value(isBatchNormalizationStateVariance) = stateVariances;

Inside the training loop, use the helper function to update the state of the batch normalization layers with the combined mean and variance.

net.State = aggregateState(workerState,workerNormalizationFactor,...

Plot Results During Training

To plot results during training, send data from the workers to the client using a DataQueue (Parallel Computing Toolbox) object.

To plot training progress, set plots to "training-progress". Otherwise, set plots to "none".

plots = "training-progress";

Before training perform these steps:

  • Initialize the TrainingProgressMonitor object to track and plot the loss for the network. Because the timer starts when you create the monitor, create the object immediately before the training loop.

  • Initialize a DataQueue object on the workers for sending a flag to stop training when you click the Stop button.

  • Initialize a DataQueue object on the client for receiving data from the workers during training.

  • Use afterEach (Parallel Computing Toolbox) to call the displayTrainingProgress function each time a worker sends data to the client.

Before R2023a: To plot training progress, create an animatedline object instead of initializing a TrainingProgressMonitor object and use the addpoints function inside the displayTrainingProgress function to update the animatedline.

if plots == "training-progress"

    % Initialize the training progress monitor.
    monitor = trainingProgressMonitor( ...
        Metrics="TrainingLoss", ...
        Info=["Epoch","Workers"], ...

    % Initialize a DataQueue object on the workers.
        stopTrainingEventQueue = parallel.pool.DataQueue;
    stopTrainingQueue = stopTrainingEventQueue{1};

    % Initialize a DataQueue object on the client.
    dataQueue = parallel.pool.DataQueue;

    % Call displayTrainingProgress each time a worker sends data to the client.
    displayFcn = @(x) displayTrainingProgress(x,numEpochs,numWorkers,monitor,stopTrainingQueue);

The displayTrainingProgress helper function updates the Training Progress window and checks whether the Stop button has been clicked. If you click the Stop button the DataQueue object instructs the workers to stop training.
function displayTrainingProgress(data,numEpochs,numWorkers,monitor,stopTrainingQueue)

% Extract epoch, iteration, and loss data.
epoch = data(1);
iteration = data(2);
loss = data(3);

% Update the training progress monitor.
updateInfo(monitor,Epoch=epoch + " of " + numEpochs,Workers=numWorkers);
monitor.Progress = 100*epoch/numEpochs;

% Send a flag to the workers if the Stop button has been clicked.
if monitor.Stop


Inside the training loop, at the end of each iteration or epoch, check whether the Stop button has been clicked and use the DataQueue object to send the training data from the workers to the client. At the end of each iteration, the aggregated loss is the same on each worker, so you can send data from a single worker.

    epoch = 0;
    iteration = 0;
    stopRequest = false;

    % Prepare input data and mini-batches.

    % Loop over epochs.
    while epoch < numEpochs && ~stopRequest
        epoch = epoch + 1;

        % Reset and shuffle the mini-batch queue on each worker.

        % Loop over mini-batches.
        while spmdReduce(@and,hasdata(workerMbq)) && ~stopRequest
            iteration = iteration + 1;

            % Custom training loop.

            if plots == "training-progress"
                % Check whether the Stop button has been clicked.
                stopRequest = spmdPlus(stopTrainingEventQueue.QueueLength);
                % Send training progress information to the client.
                if spmdIndex == 1
                    data = [epoch iteration loss];





Plot of the training loss a network being trained on four parallel workers.

Train Multiple Networks in Parallel

To train multiple networks in parallel, start a parallel pool and use parfor (Parallel Computing Toolbox) to train a single network on each worker.

You can run the training locally or on a remote cluster. Using a remote cluster requires a MATLAB Parallel Server license. For more information about managing cluster resources, see Discover Clusters and Use Cluster Profiles (Parallel Computing Toolbox). If you have multiple GPUs and want to exclude some from training, you can choose to train on only some GPUs. For more information on selecting specific GPUs, see Select Particular GPUs to Use for Training.

You can modify the network or training parameters on each worker to perform parameter sweeps in parallel. For example, if networks is an array of dlnetwork objects, you can use this code to train multiple different networks using the same data. After the parfor-loop finishes, trainedNetworks contains the resulting networks trained by the workers.


parfor idx = 1:numNetworks
    iteration = 0;  
    velocity = [];

    % Allocate one network per worker.
    net = networks(idx)

    % Loop over epochs.
    for epoch = 1:numEpochs
        % Shuffle data.
        % Loop over mini-batches.
        while hasdata(mbq)
            iteration = iteration + 1;

            % Custom training loop.


    % Send the trained networks back to the client.
    trainedNetworks{idx} = net;

Use Experiment Manager to Train in Parallel

You can use Experiment Manager to run your custom training loops in parallel. You can run multiple trials simultaneously or run a single trial at a time using parallel resources.

To run multiple trials at the same time using one parallel worker for each trial, set up your custom training experiment and set Mode to Simultaneous before running your experiment.

To run a single trial at a time using multiple parallel workers, define your parallel environment in your experiment training function, use an spmd block to train the network in parallel, and set Mode to Sequential. For more information on training a single network in parallel with a custom training loop, see Train Single Network in Parallel and Custom Training with Multiple GPUs in Experiment Manager.

To display the training plot and track the progress of each trial while the experiment is running, under Review Results, click Training Plot.

For more information about training in parallel using Experiment Manager, see Run Experiments in Parallel.

See Also

(Parallel Computing Toolbox) | (Parallel Computing Toolbox) | | (Parallel Computing Toolbox) | | |

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