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Save AUTOSAR architecture model

Since R2020a


save(archModel) saves architecture model archModel. The archModel argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be open or loaded.



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Create an AUTOSAR architecture model, add a composition, and save the model with the change. Close the model.

% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors2');

% Save the model

% Close the model

Input Arguments

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AUTOSAR architecture model to save. The argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be open or loaded.

Example: archModel

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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