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Close AUTOSAR architecture model

Since R2020a


close(archModel) closes architecture model archModel. The archModel argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be open or loaded with no unsaved changes.


close(archModel,'Force') closes the model without saving any unsaved changes.


collapse all

Create an AUTOSAR architecture model, add a composition, save the change, and close the model.

% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors2');

% Save the model

% Close the model

Input Arguments

collapse all

AUTOSAR architecture model to close. The argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be open or loaded with no unsaved changes.

Example: archModel

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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