Polyspace Server for Ada is a sound static analysis engine that proves the absence of overflow, divide-by-zero, out-of-bounds array access, and certain other run-time errors in Ada83 and Ada95 code. It performs interprocedural analysis of all possible control and data flows, including multithreaded code, to identify each operation as always safe, always faulty, unreachable, or vulnerable. Polyspace Server for Ada identifies code segments that are free of run-time errors, proven to fail, unreachable, or unproven.
You can run Polyspace Server for Ada on a server-class machine and integrate it into build and continuous integration systems for automated verification using tools such as Jenkins®. The analysis results can be reviewed using the Polyspace Client for Ada or published to Polyspace Access for triage and resolution.

Prove the Absence of Critical Run-Time Errors
Check exhaustively each Ada83 or Ada95 code operations for run-time correctness. Identify statements that will never experience a run-time error, regardless of the run-time conditions. Analyze run-time vulnerabilities with the support of event traces, variable value ranges, and call trees related to the finding. Polyspace Server for Ada uses formal methods to detect errors that elude other means of testing. Analyze all code paths against all possible inputs without code execution.
Automate and Integrate into DevOps
Supports modern software development practices by analyzing integrated code as part of existing DevOps workflows and tools. Polyspace Server for Ada works with popular continuous integration tools such as Jenkins and Bamboo®.
Improve Software Design and Code Understanding
Examine control and data flow through software and see range information associated with variables and operators.
Optimize Software for Performance
Remove defensive code by identifying safe and secure operations such as division by zero. Detect code branches that cannot be reached via any execution path and errors in logic and program structure and remove them for smaller memory footprint.
Analyze Global Variable Usage
Reduce time spent on debugging read/write operations on global variables, including variables shared by tasks or threads Understand control and data flow leading to a data race with the concurrent access graph. Identify unused global variables for code optimization.
Static Application Security Testing
Prove that the application is free of critical security vulnerabilities by exhaustively stressing potential vulnerable Ada statements such as memory access, buffer overflows, or numerical overflows. Support of 20 CWE weakness rules. Leverage results produced by Polyspace Server for Ada to complement or replace fuzz testing and focus instead on vulnerable operations.
Improve and Complement Robustness and Functional Testing
Use Polyspace Server for Ada to improve robustness testing by focusing tests on statements proven unsafe such as division by zero or overflows. Use results from Polyspace Server for Ada to create and maintain boundary and partition tests, leveraging control and data flow analysis, and computed ranges of function parameters and global variables.
Manage Static Analysis Projects and Monitor Projects Quality
Organize your Ada static code analysis projects to support development teams and worklows with Polyspace Access. Use information displayed on the dashboards to monitor software quality, project status, number of defects, and code metrics.
Product Resources:
Polyspace Product Family
Polyspace products make critical code safe and secure by testing and monitoring software quality throughout the development lifecycle.
Polyspace Access
Identify coding defects, review static analysis results, and monitor software quality metrics.
Polyspace Code Prover Server
Continuously and exhaustively verify critical C and C++ code statements into CI pipelines.
Polyspace Bug Finder
Check coding rules, security standards, and code metrics, and find bugs.
Polyspace Test
Develop, manage, and execute tests for C and C++ code in embedded systems.
Polyspace Bug Finder Server
Identify software defects and enforce coding rules in your CI pipelines.
Polyspace Client for Ada
Exhaustively verify critical Ada statements units using formal methods.
Polyspace Code Prover
Exhaustively verify the most critical C and C++ statements using formal methods.
Polyspace Server for Ada
Continuously and exhaustively verify critical Ada code statements into CI pipelines.