Gowtham Uma M Jaganathan

The Mathsworks Inc

Active since 2016

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I'm an Application Support Engineer at MathWorks and an Computer Science Engineer by education.

Outside of work I like to hack with my RaspberryPi!


  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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Toggle button ForeGroundcolor not rendered properly after enable
I was able to reproduce this issue. This may be a bug in MATLAB graphics. For now, resizing the figure is one workaround for...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

*Novice - Simulink Linear Analysis Tool 'Reference to non-existent 'FullInputName' error - I cannot find anything on that to debug it...
This error generally means that the variable "FullInputName" is not in the scope of your function call(or function's workspace)....

nästan 8 år ago | 0

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Creation of Simulink Real-Time CD Boot image failed. Matlab r2016b, Win 10.
This is a bug in R2016b when creating CD boot images due to the size of the kernel being larger than the size of a floppy 1.44mb...

nästan 8 år ago | 1

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how can i build a tic tae toe game in matlab
If you are a new user to MATLAB, do refer to the tutorial link posted by Walter Roberson. To specifically answer your questio...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

What should be the dimension of the 'X' matrix when fitting a ARIMAX(p,q) model?
I believe that in your question, 'X' corresponds to the exogenous predictor variable. If you do not specify presample respons...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

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Plot gridbox and point
My understanding is that you have four vectors (lonsimul, latsimul, lonobs, latobs) based on which you are performing a scatter ...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

error for "arm_cortex_a:dsp_armcortexa_template"
My understanding is that you are getting a warning message when you try to open Simulink. This may have happened because support...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

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I'm having this problem with matlab (MATLAB:3662): GLib-WARNING **: unknown option bit(s) set - - - - (ubuntu 14.04)
I do not have much information on when you get this warning and what code you are trying to execute. It is possible that if ...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

How to transform/scale data with XLim adjusted x axis range in plot?
My understanding is that you want to change the X-axis limits while maintaining the consistency to data points. You can do th...

nästan 8 år ago | 1

Programmatic use of openvar - stoping a function while openvar is open
As I understand, you want the execution of code to pause till you complete editing the Variable Editor. As of MATLAB R2016b t...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

PaperSize problem when printing EPS
The "PaperSize" property of the figure affects only PDF and PostScript file formats while saving the figure. Hence, when you are...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

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Used getframe command to create video, but get empty file
I understand that you are getting an empty video file after using “VideoWriter” function. You can try opening the file withi...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

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Matlab crash caused History.xml to be reset.
As I understand, your command history has been reset after your recent MATLAB crash. Whenever MATLAB exits, the “History.xml...

nästan 8 år ago | 0

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