
Mohammad Abouali

Michigan State University

Active since 2012

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Slow readtable and low disk activity
Hi, I am doing a readtable() on a big file. However, I don't see much of a disk activity. The files loads but at a much slowe...

nästan 6 år ago | 1 answer | 0



gradient descent with noisy data
Try one of the optimization methods in the global optimization toolbox, such as <

mer än 7 år ago | 0

How to create finer mesh with material distributions?
You can use < imresize()>. Something like this should work. % Initia...

mer än 7 år ago | 0

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Perform mathematical operation on matching values
One way is this: mask = (A(:,2)==21); % performing the operation and storing it back in A: % mask is used twice, ...

mer än 7 år ago | 0

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How to change integer format
fprintf('%0.2d\n',2) 02 fprintf('%0.2d\n',3) 03 fprintf('%0.4d\n',3) 0003

nästan 8 år ago | 0

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Where should I report a bug that I find in MATLAB?
Hi, If I think I have found a bug in MATLAB where should I report it? Here is one in Mapping Toolbox: Let's Say I have ...

nästan 8 år ago | 3 answers | 1




Issue with launching Parallel Workers when using TORQUE or PBS
Hi, I am attaching the full output of MATLAB when trying to set useParallel option of GA to true. This been causing some t...

nästan 8 år ago | 1 answer | 0



what is the average i have data like
% I assume you have your data in a row x = [1 1.2 1 1.3 1 1.5 3 1.4 3 1.6 3 1.8 3 1.9 4 1.2 4 1.7 4 0.9]; % change i...

nästan 8 år ago | 1

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Reading data from a multiple csv's in a folder and read until end of a specific column and not starting from top of the file
could you upload a sample CSV file! note that *pos* and *time* are both overwritten in each loop. So what's their purpose? ...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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How do I multiply matrices using multiple GPU?
Well, for the start, XGs_C and XG_C are both Cell arrays. < gputimeit()> ac...

ungefär 8 år ago | 1

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Finally Clause in Try-Catch
Just making sure MATLAB Try/Catch does not have the "finally" block? Correct? I am simulating the behavior using somethin...

ungefär 8 år ago | 2 answers | 1



All possible Combinations and equation analysis
a=[1,2]; b=[2,3]; c=[1,4]; % Getting all the combinations [x1,x2,x3]=ndgrid(a,b,c); % reshaping them as...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

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Find the actual distances in an image.
Similar approach to this should work: I=imread('P3290337.JPG'); I=padarray(I,[1 1 0],0); thresh = 15; mask = ~(I(:...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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Possible bug in struct2table()
When I try to convert a single structure to array using < struct2table...

mer än 8 år ago | 2 answers | 0



How can I transform 3-dimensional netCDF data to a 2-dimensional table efficiently
I think you are better off keeping it 3D as it is. Here is how you can calculate some of the stuff you asked very easilly. As...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

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what is different between fget1 and fread ?
I don't think enviread is a function provided by mathworks. It appears it is something that users have provided. Try <http://...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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Creating variable averaged over two strata
first convert your date so that you get year and month separately. If you have the date as a string you can use <http://www.math...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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how can I delete the related raw in B?
A=[3,0.003;1,0.025;2,0.03] A = 3 0.003 1 0.025 2 0.03 B=[1,75;2,102;3,63] B = 1 ...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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Unknown number of output variables
There are some functions that support variable number of output variables. For example, <

mer än 8 år ago | 1 answer | 0



For loop to matrix
Don't need a for loop. Do it like this: V1=49:2:99; V2=zeros(1,numel(V1)); V3=50*ones(1,numel(V1)); b=[V1;V2;V...

mer än 8 år ago | 2

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different set of subplot with loop
for i=1:3 figure for j=1:6 %calculation subplot(2,3,j); %plot commands end end

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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Read specific 2D matrix from 3D matrix variable from netCDF....
To read a matrix of mXn with third dimension being at r \in [1,p] do this: data = netcdf.getVar(ncid,varid,[1,1,r],[m n 1])...

nästan 9 år ago | 1

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Running two functions in parallel of which one would like to use parfor
Use non-blocking < parfeval()>.

nästan 9 år ago | 3

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Is there an alternative to parfor?
Couple of notes here: *NOTE 1* instead of only parallelizing the inner for-loop you can parallelize all of them as follow: ...

nästan 9 år ago | 0

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Adding a second for loop to create different matrices
Yes, there is a way; but (really really) not recommended: (why not, refer to Stephens answer) But if you insist, here is how you...

nästan 9 år ago | 0

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how to obtain a vector contains a mean of other vector
v=[26 196 27 196 28 196]; v1=[mean(v(1:2:end)) mean(v(2:2:end))] v1 = 27 196 You really need to have...

nästan 9 år ago | 0

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Help needed vectorizing layer-wise 3d logical indexing problem.
% Creating Sample A and B matrix A=rand(3,4); B= (rand(3,4,5))>0.5; % one liner equivalent to your code. C=mat...

nästan 9 år ago | 1

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how to calculate neighbouring cells on a matrix?
use a combination of < padarray()> and <

nästan 9 år ago | 2

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How can I use "for loop" for this script?
Looking at your code: A0=X(:,m); A1=[X(:,m-1); A0]; A2=[X(:,m-2); A1]; A3=[X(:,m-3); A2]; A4=[X(:,m-4); A3]; ...

nästan 9 år ago | 0

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