
Pseudo-vampire number
refer to <> Given a number x, determine whether it is a pseudo-vampire number. A p...

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - Is It LBW?
LBW has an unfair reputation as complicated. But if you've watched a third umpire referral, you'll know that it's just a logical...

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - Peak Batting Average
Given a vector s of strings representing a batter's individual innings scores (in chronological order), return the highest batti...

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - Represent Average in "Dulkars" and "Ses"
Sachin Tendulkar's Test average was 53.78. So if Tendulkar = 53.78, one dulkar = 5.378. Similarly, Roger Twose's average was 25....

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - Career Bowling Statistics
Given a vector s of strings representing a bowler's individual innings records, return their career statistics as a 3-element (n...

mer än ett år ago


Korselt's Criterion
A composite integer n (n>=2) divides b^n-b, i.e. mod(b^n-b,n)==0, for all integers b if and only if n is square-free (doesn't ha...

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - Career Batting Statistics
Given a vector s of strings representing a batter's individual innings scores, return their career statistics as a 4-element (nu...

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - How Much More to Beat Bradman?
Sir Don Bradman famously needed only 4 runs in his final innings to retire with an average of 100. Out for a duck, he ended inst...

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - Average Partnership Contribution
The (infamous) Duckworth-Lewis method uses statistical models of how much each wicket partnership is worth to an innings (on ave...

mer än ett år ago


Cricket - Sort Batters by Distance Run
Given a string vector of batters' names, a vector of the total number of runs they scored, a vector of the number of 4s they sco...

mer än ett år ago


Identify Ruth-Aaron numbers
After Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run and passed Babe Ruth’s total of 714, Carl Pomerance noticed that the union of the prime ...

mer än ett år ago


Exact Cover
An efficient solution to the exact cover problem can be useful in many situations. In this problem, you are welcome to use Knuth...

mer än ett år ago


Exact Cover
An efficient solution to the exact cover problem can be useful in many situations. In this problem, you are welcome to use Knuth...

mer än ett år ago | 3 | 7 solvers


List the emirps
An emirp is a prime number that becomes a different prime when reversed. The numbers 13, 17, and 149 are emirps, but 11, 19, and...

mer än ett år ago


How many unique Pythagorean triples?
For a given integer |n|, return all < Pythagorean triples> that inlude numbers s...

mer än ett år ago


Find the dividend
Given a vector of pairwise coprime positive integers, p, and a vector of corresponding remainders, r, return a positive integer,...

mer än ett år ago


Find the dividend
Given a vector of pairwise coprime positive integers, p, and a vector of corresponding remainders, r, return a positive integer,...

mer än ett år ago | 0 | 5 solvers


apply zero padding to a matrix

mer än ett år ago


Cell Operator *
Please implement operator * for cell: >> {2,3} * 2 ans = 1×4 cell array [2] [3] [2] [3] >> {2,3} * [2 3]...

mer än ett år ago


find location of indexes
Given a vector with integer values. Find the edge location of the stream of same value. For example: A=[0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...

mer än ett år ago


Total resistance of a network of resistors in series and parallel
What is the total resistance of a network of resistors in series and in parallel? A matrix R contains the resistances (in Ohm) ...

mer än ett år ago


Find the magnetic field around the wire

mer än ett år ago


Vector slither sort!
Sort a numeric vector in the following format: [largest value, smallest value, second largest value, second smallest value, etc...

mer än ett år ago


Right shift an array n times with constant space.
Right shift an array n times with constant space, that is, no extra array can be used. Right shift operation: Last element com...

mer än ett år ago


Intercambiar columnas

mer än ett år ago


compter le nombre de zéros dans une matrice
écrire une fonction count_zeros qui prend en entrée une matrice M et détermine le nombre de zéros dans une matrice

mer än ett år ago


False position (linear interpolation) method of finding a root.
Test the false position algorithm described in Chapter 5 of Steven C. Chapra's textbook, Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB f...

mer än ett år ago


Draw 'W'
For any given n, return a matrix of height n and width 4n-3 containing a W of ones. Example: n=2 ans= [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0...

mer än ett år ago


Siren frequency and Doppler effect.
The Doppler effect is described on OpenStax University Physics at

mer än ett år ago


Find the nth composite number.
Everyone heard about the nth prime number. Let's try to find out the nth composite. For example , 1 is the first composite, 10 i...

mer än ett år ago

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