
Cancel Middle
Write a function called cancel_middle that takes A, an n-by-m matrix, as an input where both n and m are odd numbers an...

mer än ett år ago


Double Fibonacci
double_fibonacci takes two integers, each greater than one, as input arguments (it does not have to check the format of the inpu...

mer än ett år ago


End Digits

mer än ett år ago


Matrizes Multiplicaveis
Dadas duas matrizes M1 e M2, verifique se as matrizes podem ser multiplicadas uma pela outra M1 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] M2 = [7; 8; 9...

mer än ett år ago


Número Repetido
Dado um número inteiro N, verifique se o número é composto apenas do mesmo inteiro VerificaRepetido(123) = false; VerificaRepe...

mer än ett år ago


Check if the input is a strong prime

mer än ett år ago


Parsing Expressions - Binary Arithmetic Operators I
Parse and evaluate expressions like these: '1 + 2' '51 - 78' '42 * 9' The only operators are +, -, *. Both argu...

mer än ett år ago


Graph Algorithms 3: Number of Connected Components
Given an adjacency matrix of a simple undirected graph, find the number of connected components.

mer än ett år ago


Would you win a raffle?

mer än ett år ago


The length of the equal sides of an isoceles triangle is 'a'.For all the possible (integer) values of the remaining side,find the associated angles between the two equal sides.
the remaining side may have many possible values.only assume integer ones for simplicity.

mer än ett år ago


Generate a matrix as follows
write a Function that gives like the following for a random n: n=2 ans= [ 0 1 1 0] n=6 ans= [ 0 ...

mer än ett år ago


Array ex-OR
There are in MATLAB logical functions such as _< and>,_ _<http://www.math...

mer än ett år ago


Count the peaceful queens
In a 5x5 chessboard with a queen of one color (white, say) on the perimeter, one can place 12 black queens on the board such tha...

mer än ett år ago


Define an arithmetic sequence
Given three numbers n, a, and d, define an arithmetic sequence of n terms with a being the initial term of the sequence and d be...

mer än ett år ago


Do you have the minimum age?

mer än ett år ago


Write script that gives matrix like the following example:)
if x=2; y=[2 1; 1 1] if x=4; y=[4 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 1] if x=5; y=[5 4 3 2 ...

mer än ett år ago


sum of binomial series

mer än ett år ago


Modulo with 5

mer än ett år ago


Flag a convertible string
If a string is able to be entirely converted to an integer, return a "true" flag. Otherwise, return a false flag. For example: ...

mer än ett år ago


A little bit of luck needed
This one may require a little bit of guess work, but it is possible. Hints: - The same solution might fail the tests once and ...

mer än ett år ago


MinMax mapping
Given a matrix, map all the elements within a given interval. For example, a=[ 2 5 10] mapped in the interval [1,2] ...

mer än ett år ago


Lista Ordenada
Dado um vetor V, verifique se o vetor está ordenado, retorne true ou false. Ordenado([1 2 3 4]) = true;

mer än ett år ago


odd number odd sum
How many three digit numbers are there whose sum of the digits is odd?

mer än ett år ago


Draw a X
Given an input , create a square matrix of zeros with an X of ones. Ex. n = 3 drawX(3) [ 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ] ...

mer än ett år ago


Absolute Value of the Product of Complex Numbers
Find the absolute value (modulus) of the product of two complex numbers given by a + bi and c + di.

mer än ett år ago


Draw a Diamond shape in ones Matrix with '0' s
Input will be odd numbers.The task is to make a Diamond shape in a ones matrix with '0's where the matrix will be a square matri...

mer än ett år ago


Determine whether the given number is palindrome or not.
A palindromic number (also known as a numeral palindrome or a numeric palindrome) is a number (such as 16461) that remains the s...

mer än ett år ago

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