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How to determine how much RAM is available?
I'm currently working on a tool designed to read in files and do stuff to the files, and the likelihood that it will eventually ...

mer än 3 år ago | 1 answer | 0



Storing results from a nested for loop
Well theres two ways: 1. Write the results to file as they are generated. (xlswrite & xlsread would be your friends, and you ...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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How to create a Executable (.exe) with MatLab 2013b ?
You need the compiler toolbox. The method I use is: mcc <scriptname> -m The Matlab compiler runtimes need to be installed...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

maclaurin series code problem
abs(ea(k+1))<es in your code, ea is a scalar, and you're trying to access the k+1th element, which is the error.

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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max and min complex number
Max is calculating the absolute value, and then taking the maximum value, despite being negative. Greater than is taking the ...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

How to get a single line on an image?
Oh, I just found the perfect answer. imline.

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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How to get a single line on an image?
I'm trying to make a little bit of image analysis software. I need to plot the intensity of pixels lying along a user selected l...

mer än 8 år ago | 1 answer | 0




Reading quicktime movies on windows
I am trying to do an assessment of some video capture hardware and a thermal imager. I am trying to establish methods of reading...

mer än 9 år ago | 0 answers | 0



Cycle For how can i??
for i = 2:numel(x) do stuff end

mer än 9 år ago | 1

Plot in matlab, multiple plots in one figure.
x_for_z1 = matrix(matrix(:,3)==1,1); y_for_z1 = matrix(matrix(:,3)==1,2); plot(x_for_z1,y_for_z1,'r') hold on etc etc.. ...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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Using a user defined fucntion with blockproc
What does your "myfunction" function output? It looks like it's not producing any output.

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Inf and NaN problem
Logarithms are your friends. Here's what I mean maths: log(UtiliteProba) = (UtiliteB(b,l)+UtiliteC(b,l))/T (values in the ra...

mer än 9 år ago | 1

Vector initialization (randn) with loop 'for'
The time difference is due to what gets done in the loop. randn - This checks the number of inputs (0), generates a number a...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How to write the first line of a function?
The first line of a function should look something like this: function [a b c] = something(a, b, c) % 3 inputs, 3 outputs ...

mer än 9 år ago | 1

Query about data types and whos
Size is working properly. It is telling you that there are TWELVE characters in the string 'flights_2011'. size(flights_2011...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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Stitching sub images to reconstruct full image
depending how you've done it.... BInew = permute(BI,[1 3 2]); BInew = reshape(BInew,16*size(BI,1),[]); ought to work.

mer än 9 år ago | 1

Not so rhetorical question: Why the common practice of writing lines of code without white space?
When it comes to making code readable, scDSI (:, theta+1) = scRadius * [ cosd(theta); sind(theta); 0.0 ]; Is not as reada...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Problemas with "sum" function
It is a tolerancing problem. By default, matlab does sums to the 15thish significant figure. Small numbers being added to...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

Matlab Function Problem - Variable Storage
Ok, a FUNCTION is a thing like "sin", it accepts a (none/list of) input parameter(s). It outputs a (none/list of) output paramet...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

how to plot clearer angle yticklabels at whole fractions of 360° (and/or fractions of pi, for radians) in stead of decimal
You can change where the ticks go: set(axishandle,'YTick', [0 4 6 8 ...] ) You can change the labels as you like: set...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

Reading .dat files into Matlab
Theres a few "rotates". flipud, fliplr, transpose/permute, imrotate...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

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Specific numbers generation Simulink
Matlab code for it would be something like... : listofnumbers = [1 4 7 9]; weight = [1 2 3 4]; % weights, not frequencies....

nästan 10 år ago | 1

Force scientific notation in axes
Here's a really simple option. Change the units of the axes. Plot time, in, for example, hs, cs, ds, Ds, ms, ks ...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

Comparing two numbers by using IF in Matlab
The code is correct. The problem is that x - y is not precisely 0. The magnitude of the difference will be less than 1e-5 ...

nästan 10 år ago | 2

| accepted

I have a cellarray (100000000*2cell) ,how can I save the cell in excel more quickly ?
Here's a better idea. *Don't* save it to a text file. 100 million lines of text, of 40 bytes per line (more if nicely format...

nästan 10 år ago | 2

Is it possible to use element by element comparison between a single variable and individual matrix values?
Yes. Try these to see what makes sense for your little problem whatever it happens to be... logical_cmp_result = eye(3) ==...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

plot with different symbols
r1 = rand(1,1000); r2 = rand(1,1000); plot(1:1000,r1,'bx',1:1000,r2,'kx') Change the x to +, d, s, o for other symbols...

nästan 10 år ago | 0


Setting priority of parallel tasks
I have a function, which to optimise it, I am going to have to split into two separate sequences of parallel processes (using pa...

nästan 10 år ago | 0 answers | 0



Plotting different sections of multiple arrays using a loop
Assuming your plot command is correct, all you need to do is modify it: plot(Time(1:length(data{k,1})),data{k,1}); plot(...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

Plotyy and giving each line its own color
It is possible. It might not be that good of an idea if it makes it hard to identify which line goes with which axis (using subp...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

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