
Kye Taylor

Active since 2011

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Professional Interests: Mathematics and statistics


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Draw or add axes to figure
Super helpful way to visualize axes in a 2D figure.

nästan 8 år ago | 1 download |



Color-balance demo with GPU computing
Use GPU in MATLAB to perform white-balance operation to input image.

nästan 8 år ago | 2 downloads |



Laplacian eigenmap ~ Diffusion map ~ manifold learning
Demo techniques of nonlinear eigenmaps for the purpose of recovering low-dimensional geometries.

nästan 8 år ago | 2 downloads |


Record timing of user input
I think you want |tic| and |toc|, as in the example below: % I will create a cell that represents some collection of images...

mer än 10 år ago | 2

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how do i vectorise given code?
I do not see how the example you provided will execute if |A| is any standard MATLAB data type. In particular, if |A| is a MA...

nästan 11 år ago | 0

Return specified rows of a vector
Try A = [4;8;2;3;8;6]; i = [1;3;5;6]; B = A(i)

nästan 11 år ago | 1

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Need half of my contour plot
Check out the |tril| and |triu| functions. For example if you have data similar to [x,y]= meshgrid(-1:.05:1); z = x.^2+...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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What would you do?
Suppose you have a string like rhs = 'x*cos(x)/(t+1)'; and that you want to create a function handle... would you do ...

ungefär 11 år ago | 2 answers | 0



Is this even possible?
Have you tried right-clicking on the file from the current folder browser? In the context-menu that pops up you should see some...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

Simple Question about Optimization of Nested IF-FOR loops
First of all, it appears that each time through the outer-most loop (the first one), the variable |iPointsinSlice| does not chan...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals
There are several issues you need to resolve with your code before it will run. First, there is no increment operator in MATLAB...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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Convert vector to cell array
The third input to the |fints| function is a cell array of strings that can be valid MATLAB identifiers. That is, the strings c...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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How to visualize the matrix with colored entries
What are the features that make your data suspicious? For example, if the suspicious data is all very large (say 2 standard dev...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

How to do a 3D circle in matlab
I assume you do not have a parametric form for the circle in 3D, but you do have the equation for the plane where the circle liv...

ungefär 11 år ago | 7

Simpl equestion about CUMSUM
I don't think I would use cumsum here. Instead, try A = sum(bsxfun(@gt,B',0:299)); Note, this command above assumes B i...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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match the first letter in a cell and save
Try this (I assume your cell is called |variable|) idx = cellfun(@(s)strncmp(s,'P',1),variable) newCell = variable(idx);...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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how to remove NaN
You're very close try % idx(i) is true if contents in row i, column 6 of M equals NaN idx = cellfun(@isnan,M(:,6)) ...

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

PLOT COMMAND USING string arguments
Maybe try x = eval(get(text1,'string')); y = eval(get(text2,'string')); axes(plot1); plot(x,y);

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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calculate a vector from consecutive vectors without a loop
Totally.. try something like yourVector = 1:100; avgWindow = 1/10*ones(1,10); % each value is 1/10 movingAverage ...

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

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Sliders in Matlab GUI
Check out this simple function.. you should be able to copy and paste it into a new file, save the file with the name |simplePro...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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lines to curves drawing problem
I assume you have the variables |x| and |y| which are vectors representing the values in the x-component and in the y-component ...

ungefär 11 år ago | 2

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Create an image stack (3-D matrix)
Execute this command after your code above to get the three gray-scale images you create into one 3D matrix of grayscale image...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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create a function handle extracting pieces from a matrix function handle
Starting from your example A = @(x) [1 2 x; 2*x x.^2 3]; you probably realized that *this command is not allowed* B...

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

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How can I calculate and compare the energy of the curvelet coefficients to compare in thresholding code?
When you decompose a function |f| in an orthonormal basis, you can relate the sum of the square of the coefficients to the L2-no...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled
There is a closed form expression for the inverse of a 2-by-2 matrix < here> (see...

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

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Loop variable names and file names
Check your |for|-loop. The iteration variable is |iName|, but you use |i| in the loop's body. Since you do not define |i|, MATL...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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How do I add a 2D Plot along with a surface or mesh plot in MATLAB?
Does this get you started? % create figure figure % Generate data to make a surface x = -1:0.1:1; y = -1:0...

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

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second order nonlinear ode with polynomial terms
You must write the ODE as a system of first-order ODEs. Use the substitution u1 = y and u2 = y'. Then, you'll end up with equa...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

Force polynomial fit through multiple points
I assume your data is given by two row vectors xData and yData, given for example by xData = linspace(-2,2); yData = 2.3...

ungefär 11 år ago | 2

solving non linear third order algebaric expressions using newton rapson method or any other method!!!
The |fsolve| function needs a function handle as input. So create a file with the command edit yourFun.m and paste this...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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