Problem 1910. Blockland
Add a new block to these towers without letting them fall.
To add a new block just choose the x-coordinate (between -10 and 10) where to drop your block. Try your luck and help us build Blockland!
Figure: Common/shared canvas, procedurally generated from all current solutions to this problem (visit for a more recent version)
This is a little experiment in collaborative engineering/art/fun.
We have a common/shared canvas where we are building a tower (or perhaps something else) one block at a time, adding the contributions of everyone who passes this problem. Your job is simply to add one or more blocks to this tower, without letting it fall.
To see the current up-to-date state of the canvas and interactively choose a location for your new block you may download this Matlab code and run it in your computer.
For a slightly out-of-date version of the canvas you can also visit this Trendy plot (note this plot only updates hourly so it may not reflect the current state of the canvas, where your solution will be evaluated; copy and paste the plot's code in your computer if you want an up-to-date version of the canvas).
Blocks are square of identical size and mass (with side equal to 1).
To add a new block your function should return the x-coordinate of the left-side of the new block that you wish to add. The block will be entered from the top and it will be dropped (tetris-style) at that position until it hits the floor or another block. The new configuration will then be evaluated and if it still holds (if the tower is still stable) you will pass this problem, and the new block will be added to the common canvas.
Valid x-coordinates range from -10 to 10, and they will be rounded to the nearest three-decimals precision.
Stability of the overall configuration is determined disregarding friction (blocks are perfectly smooth).
Visit Equilibrium for a related Cody problem.
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I don't know if anyone else will have this problem, but I needed to change line 4 in canvas_display.m from DEBUG=true to DEBUG=false on my machine to get the current layout to display properly.
thanks for pointing that out!, I have uploaded the correct version now
@james I have uploaded a new version (due to some modifications of the encoding mechanism) so please download it again if you want to correctly see the up-to-date version of the canvas.
Got it, and I like the interactive feature you can do with the new version!
This sends the AWESOMENESS of Cody to the infinity... and beyond!!!! Auf Deutsch: Das ist HAMMER GEEEIIIL!!! En Español: esto mola mucho, no! MUCHÍSIMO!!
I think the Cody Team changed the code for plotting the graph, so the function canvas_display.m does not work anymore... :-(
Now they call some jeve scripts to make the plot.
This canvas_display.m can not work now,so this is a problem of no solution now.
Can this problem be fixed?
I will try to fix this soon; the new Cody design only displays the latest 200 solutions on the problem main page, and this complicates a little bit what would otherwise be just a trivial fix, but nevertheless I am hoping to have this working again soon
(problemUrl)/solutions/map?sort=&term=status%3ACorrect displays all correct solutions
Thanks for the recommendations, this problem is now working again. Let me know if you run into any issues
the url: is not available for me
if you should update the url of download m file:
This problem is being rescored now. Please do not submit any new solutions while this problem is rescoring. I will update with a new message here once the process is done and it is again safe to submit new solutions. Thanks!
Finished rescoring now. Let me know if you run into any issues
Trendy doesn't exist anymore, it seems. Is this still solvable at all?
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