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Why can't I load Simbiology data?

1 view (last 30 days)
Ted Simon
Ted Simon on 18 Oct 2013
Commented: Ingrid Tigges on 19 Oct 2013
I am working with a large model. I seem to be able to save repeated runs using ssa, but when I tried to reload these data, I get an error
Error using #load Can't read file /Volumes/PATRIOT/MATLAB/Gene-exp-TCDD/Sims-101713/CoF200.mat.
I am putting these files on a 256GB Patriot memory USB drive.
Why can't I load these saved data?
Thanks. Ted Simon

Answers (1)

Arthur Goldsipe
Arthur Goldsipe on 18 Oct 2013
Hi Ted,
It's possible that the SimBiology project was corrupted. I think your best bet is to contact Tech Support and see if they can help you recover the data.
I'm one of the developers on the SimBiology team. If you are able to share the model with Tech Support, we can see if we can identify any bugs that might have led to the problem.
  1 Comment
Ingrid Tigges
Ingrid Tigges on 19 Oct 2013
I agree with Arthur. Don't forget to copy the output of the command VER into your message when contacting Tech Support as it provides a number of helpful information.

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