set xticks by calculation but also force 0 to be displayed
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Robert Demyanovich
on 10 Jun 2021
Commented: Walter Roberson
on 10 Jun 2021
I am setting xticks manually based on user inputs for distance. The plot will span the distance range; for example -1.3E-06 to 1.3E-06. The calculation works well to calculate the distance between tick marks, but depending on how it's done it may or may not automatically included 0 on the x axis. Is there a way I can force 0 to be displayed on the axis without altering my method for calculating the distance between tick marks.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 10 Jun 2021
format long g
%demonstration values
x = linspace(-1.4e-6,1.32e-6,29)
y = sinpi(2e6*x)
array_of_tick_values = -1.3e-6:.24e-6:1.3e-6
%force a 0
xticks(union(array_of_tick_values, 0))
However, this could result in two ticks being close together. For example if your calculated tick was at -1e-10 then you would get a tick at -1e-10 and at 0. In the above example plot you can see that the -0.1 tick is close to the 0 tick
xtrange = max(abs(array_of_tick_values));
array_of_tick_values = linspace(-xtrange,xtrange,length(array_of_tick_values));
Walter Roberson
on 10 Jun 2021
Hmmm I just realized that you need the linspace length to be odd to force going through 0.
More Answers (1)
Joel Lynch
on 10 Jun 2021
Edited: Joel Lynch
on 10 Jun 2021
Walter Roberson
on 10 Jun 2021
ismember(0, vector_of_values)
but that leaves the searching open in that form. But if the vector is sorted you could
idx = find(vector_of_values <= 0, 1, 'last')
if vector_of_values(idx) == 0
exact match for 0
vector_of_values = [vector_of_values(1:idx), 0, vector_of_values(idx+1:end)]
assuming row vector
... But the union() approach I posted is much more compact and has the same effect.
See Also
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