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Creating separate combinations with repetition

48 views (last 30 days)
Hello all!
I'm trying to create a combination with repetitions but in smaller poriions. The idea is that I want to work with a large table of all possible combinations but due to its space consumption, I thought of generating that same table but split in parts. I would work on the first part (i.e. the first 1000 rows), then delete, and work on the next 1000 rows of the table.
This is an example of a combination w/ repetitions:
B =
1 1
1 2
2 2
I need this result as shown below without first generating the whole combination.
B1 =
1 1
B2 =
1 2
B3 =
2 2
Of course, the table are much larger than this but I'm not sure how to approach this. After some search, I found a nice code that generates B as shown on the top but I'm not very sure how to break it down without generating the big table first.
A = [1 2];
B = nmultichoosek(A,2)
function combs = nmultichoosek(values, k)
%// Return number of multisubsets or actual multisubsets.
if numel(values)==1
n = values;
combs = nchoosek(n+k-1,k);
n = numel(values);
combs = bsxfun(@minus, nchoosek(1:n+k-1,k), 0:k-1);
combs = reshape(values(combs),[],k);
Let me know if the question doesn't make sense.

Answers (1)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 25 Apr 2021
Edited: Bruno Luong on 26 Apr 2021
I program a function nchoosek_enum that is almost like nchoosek, excepted that you can pass an enumerated array i that selects the combination.
Note that if i value is outside 1:nchoosek(n,k), it will return a combination vector containing NaN.
Typically you can the function in this manner to process by chunk (here is 10 combinations at the time)
n = 10;
k = 3;
chunksize = 10;
i = 1:chunksize;
norepetition = false;
while true
if norepetition
c = nchoosek_enum(n, k, i);
c = nchoosek_enum(n+k-1, k, i);
c = c - (0:k-1);
for r=1:size(c,1)
cr = c(r,:);
endcomb = any(isnan(cr));
if endcomb
% do somthing with cr
fprintf('%s\n', mat2str(cr))
if endcomb
i = i + chunksize;
[1 1 1] [1 1 2] [1 1 3] [1 1 4] [1 1 5] [1 1 6] [1 1 7] [1 1 8] [1 1 9] [1 1 10] [1 2 2] [1 2 3] [1 2 4] [1 2 5] [1 2 6] [1 2 7] [1 2 8] [1 2 9] [1 2 10] [1 3 3] [1 3 4] [1 3 5] [1 3 6] [1 3 7] [1 3 8] [1 3 9] [1 3 10] [1 4 4] [1 4 5] [1 4 6] [1 4 7] [1 4 8] [1 4 9] [1 4 10] [1 5 5] [1 5 6] [1 5 7] [1 5 8] [1 5 9] [1 5 10] [1 6 6] [1 6 7] [1 6 8] [1 6 9] [1 6 10] [1 7 7] [1 7 8] [1 7 9] [1 7 10] [1 8 8] [1 8 9] [1 8 10] [1 9 9] [1 9 10] [1 10 10] [2 2 2] [2 2 3] [2 2 4] [2 2 5] [2 2 6] [2 2 7] [2 2 8] [2 2 9] [2 2 10] [2 3 3] [2 3 4] [2 3 5] [2 3 6] [2 3 7] [2 3 8] [2 3 9] [2 3 10] [2 4 4] [2 4 5] [2 4 6] [2 4 7] [2 4 8] [2 4 9] [2 4 10] [2 5 5] [2 5 6] [2 5 7] [2 5 8] [2 5 9] [2 5 10] [2 6 6] [2 6 7] [2 6 8] [2 6 9] [2 6 10] [2 7 7] [2 7 8] [2 7 9] [2 7 10] [2 8 8] [2 8 9] [2 8 10] [2 9 9] [2 9 10] [2 10 10] [3 3 3] [3 3 4] [3 3 5] [3 3 6] [3 3 7] [3 3 8] [3 3 9] [3 3 10] [3 4 4] [3 4 5] [3 4 6] [3 4 7] [3 4 8] [3 4 9] [3 4 10] [3 5 5] [3 5 6] [3 5 7] [3 5 8] [3 5 9] [3 5 10] [3 6 6] [3 6 7] [3 6 8] [3 6 9] [3 6 10] [3 7 7] [3 7 8] [3 7 9] [3 7 10] [3 8 8] [3 8 9] [3 8 10] [3 9 9] [3 9 10] [3 10 10] [4 4 4] [4 4 5] [4 4 6] [4 4 7] [4 4 8] [4 4 9] [4 4 10] [4 5 5] [4 5 6] [4 5 7] [4 5 8] [4 5 9] [4 5 10] [4 6 6] [4 6 7] [4 6 8] [4 6 9] [4 6 10] [4 7 7] [4 7 8] [4 7 9] [4 7 10] [4 8 8] [4 8 9] [4 8 10] [4 9 9] [4 9 10] [4 10 10] [5 5 5] [5 5 6] [5 5 7] [5 5 8] [5 5 9] [5 5 10] [5 6 6] [5 6 7] [5 6 8] [5 6 9] [5 6 10] [5 7 7] [5 7 8] [5 7 9] [5 7 10] [5 8 8] [5 8 9] [5 8 10] [5 9 9] [5 9 10] [5 10 10] [6 6 6] [6 6 7] [6 6 8] [6 6 9] [6 6 10] [6 7 7] [6 7 8] [6 7 9] [6 7 10] [6 8 8] [6 8 9] [6 8 10] [6 9 9] [6 9 10] [6 10 10] [7 7 7] [7 7 8] [7 7 9] [7 7 10] [7 8 8] [7 8 9] [7 8 10] [7 9 9] [7 9 10] [7 10 10] [8 8 8] [8 8 9] [8 8 10] [8 9 9] [8 9 10] [8 10 10] [9 9 9] [9 9 10] [9 10 10] [10 10 10]
function c = nchoosek_enum(n, k, i)
% c = nchoosek_enum(n, k, i)
% n: nonnegative integer scalar
% k: nonnegative integer scalar <= n
% i vector of integers, values in (1:nchoosek(n,k))
% returns a (m x k) matrix containing combinations of the elements of
% vector (1:n) taken k at a time and enumerated by i. m is length(i).
% See also; nchoosek
if ~isscalar(n)
v = n;
n = length(v);
v = 1:n;
if nargin < 3
c = nchoosek(1:n,k);
P = PascalTriangle(n-1);
i = reshape(i, 1, []);
c = nchoosek_helper(n, k, i, 0, P);
if ~isequal(v,1:n)
b = ~isnan(c);
c(b) = v(c(b));
c = feval(class(v),c);
%% Recursive engine
function c = nchoosek_helper(n, k, i, o, P)
if k == 0
c = zeros(numel(i),0);
nq = P(n:-1:k+1,k);
p = cumsum([0; nq]);
[~,j] = histc(i-1, p); %#ok
c = nan(numel(i),k);
k = k-1;
for q = unique(j(j>0))
b = j == q;
c1 = o+q;
cj = nchoosek_helper(n-q, k, i(b) - p(q), c1, P);
c(b,:) = [repmat(c1, size(cj,1), 1), cj];
%% Compute Pascal triangle
function P = PascalTriangle(n)
if n==0
P = 1;
P = PascalTriangle(n-1);
p = P(n,:);
P = [P, zeros(n,1);
1, p(1:n-1)+p(2:n), 1];
EDIT: bug corrected due to discretize that treats last bin differently (deserved "frustration" feature)




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