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How to crop images with a fixed aspect ratio

3 views (last 30 days)
After a period of time, I want to re-evaluate MATLAB for image processing. I saw augmentedImageDatastore used to process image data in batches. I regret to find that MATLAB still cannot perform equal-scale cropping of images and cannot implement it manually. I don't think this is a complicated features.Why has it not been implemented yet?

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Mar 2021
Edited: Walter Roberson on 28 Mar 2021
  1 Comment
Shino Asada
Shino Asada on 29 Mar 2021
I used transform to achieve proportional scaling, but I encountered a problem when using it with augmentedImageDatastore. Transform should be used before it (because it needs to specify outputSize), but it does not support TransformedDatasore as input. How to solve it?

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