How not to display error message from fzero

16 views (last 30 days)
I've defined the function:
function zeros = findzeros(myf,n_points,min,max)
x = ones(n_points,1);
% warning('off')
for i=1:n_points
x(i) = fzero(myf, starting_points(i));
fprintf('No root found');
x = x(x>=min);
zeros = [x(diff(x)>1e-12); x(1)];
In the while looping if often happens that there's an error. I tried using trycatch as suggested elsewhere, but it still results in error messages such as:
Exiting fzero: aborting search for an interval containing a sign change
because no sign change is detected during search.
Function may not have a root.
And there's no messa 'No root found' printed. How can I fix this?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Mar 2021
function zeros = findzeros(myf, n_points, xmin, xmax)
x = ones(n_points,1);
starting_points = linspace(xmin, xmax, n_points);
opts = optimset('display', 'none');
for i=1:n_points
x(i) = fzero(myf, starting_points(i), opts);
x = x(x >= xmin);
zeros = [x(diff(x)>1e-12); x(1)];
  1 Comment
Roberto Gargiulo
Roberto Gargiulo on 9 Mar 2021
Thanks a lot! Now it works perfectly (and the code has a better format)

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