Solving an equation involving variables as column vector using 'solve' function

6 views (last 30 days)
A=[1;2; 12; 3; 3; 4]
b= [1; 2; 12; 3; 3; 4]
sym tx1
sym tS
x1 = [1:numel(A)]; %row vector
tx1 = transpose(x1) %column vector
S=[1:numel(A)]; %row vector
tS=transpose(S) %column vector
for i = transpose(1:numel(A)) %intializing loop from 1 till the number of rows of A
for j=1 %number of column = 1
tS(i,j) = solve( 1.*b + x1.*A == 0, tx1(i,j)) %solve equation
%Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function 'solve'.
%Error in TEST_array (line 28)
%tS(i,j) = solve( 1.*b + tx1.*A == 0, tx1(i,j))
Dear Experts!!:)
I am trying to solve an equation containing variables as column vectors. I have declared the symbolic variables and have tried to use the function solve.
I keep getting this error as an incorrect arugument data type for function solve!!
Can someone help me out with this error!??
And also, how can i create and display an array which stores all the solutions of the solve function??
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Dec 2020
tS(i,j) = solve( 1.*b + x1.*A == 0, tx1(i,j)) %solve equation
tx1 is numeric. Why are you passing it to solve()?
Sanjeet Sawant
Sanjeet Sawant on 8 Dec 2020
tS(i,j) = solve( 1.*b + tx1.*A == 0, tx1(i,j)) %solve equation % missing t of tx1 added
Hi Walter, thank you for the reply!
My idea was to create an unknown variable tx1 having i rows and j columns and solve it using solve().
If that argument doen'nt work, then how can i pass a variable as an array into solve() and find out its value?
Or am i missing any basic concept of solving an equation?:D

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Answers (1)

Ashish Mishra
Ashish Mishra on 14 Dec 2020
Hi Sanjeet
You want to solve the equation for tx1(i,j) but it is a constant array (from 6th line).
Moreover in your equation , everything is constant.
Follow these to documentation.


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