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Changing clim on previous imagesc in a subplot

3 views (last 30 days)
I am making imagesc subplots and at the end i am finding max values within a loop.
I tried using h = imagesc() then "set(h, 'CLim', [somevalue, somevalue])" but then found out you cant use handles in this way with imagesc.
How can i change the clim values on those plots?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Feb 2013
imagesc() does not itself create subplots. subplot() creates subplots. You need to record the output from the subplot() call and use it as the handle for the set()
thisax = subplot(2,3,5); %for example
set(thisax, 'CLim', [somevalue, somevalue]);

More Answers (1)

Mason on 8 Feb 2013
ah ha! awesome, thanks! Makes total sense.

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