Displaying (in the prompt) latin characters, such as á, é, í, ó, ú, and ñ, using MATLAB R2010b/R2011a for mac
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Ricardo Prada
on 26 Apr 2011
Commented: Ricardo Prada
on 2 Mar 2017
Hi MATLAB community.
How can we display (in the prompt) latin characters, such as á, é, í, ó, ú, and ñ, using MATLAB R2010b/R2011a for mac (last iteration of Snow Leopard, 10.6.7)?
For example, when trying to run this script on MATLAB for mac
fprintf('Química, Matemáticas, Español.\n')
the prompt throws me
Qu?mica, Matem?ticas, Espa?ol.
which does not contain any of the latin characters I entered on my script, but those question marks as a replacement.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
P.S. 1: I am using an Apple Western Spanish keyboard to enter those latin characters.
P.S. 2: By prompt I am referring to the MATLAB Command Window.
Walter Roberson
on 4 Sep 2016
Unfortunately I am not able to test this in Snow Leopard itself. I have virtual machine software that I tried with, but I hit the limitation that Apple's EULA did not permit Snow Leopard itself to be installed as a virtual machine (it did permit Snow Leopard Server to be installed in a virtual machine.) I think we got rid of the last of our Snow Leopard compatible machines here.
The earliest OS-X I could potentially test with is Lion, the release after Snow Leopard... but if I still have Lion install disks around then then are in some closet or other. Mavericks is the earliest I could definitely try with.
Accepted Answer
Andrew Newell
on 28 Apr 2011
Maybe I have been missing the embarrassingly obvious:
disp('Química, Matemáticas, Español.')
More Answers (2)
Andrew Newell
on 26 Apr 2011
EDIT: I found a better solution:
fprintf(native2unicode('Química, Matemáticas, Español.','latin1'))
The output is:
Química, Matemáticas, Español.>>
I looked at this command earlier but didn't use it in the right way. You said you wanted a prompt, so I took out the \n.
Walter Roberson
on 4 Sep 2016
Note: when you see a 26 in the output of unicode2native, that indicates a character which could not be translated to the target character set.
Anandakumar Selvaraj
on 27 Feb 2014
Try this in your code
feature('DefaultCharacterSet', 'UTF8') %# for all Character support
or try 'Windows-1250' insted UTF8
'Windows-1250' for Central European languages that use Latin script, (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Romanian and Albanian)
Note:- that UTF-8 can be used for all languages and is the recommended charset on the Internet.
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