Integration of a Series Sum

1 view (last 30 days)
Thomas on 12 Dec 2012
I want to write a series sum in terms of a variable that I will integrate numerically:
syms q
fun = @(k) symsum(k*q,q,0,10)
How can this be done?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Dec 2012
Edited: Walter Roberson on 12 Dec 2012
sum(k*q,q,0,10) is going to be k * sum(q,q,0,10) which is going to be k * (10 * (10+1) / 2) which is going to be 45*k
integral(45*k, k, 0, 1) is going to be 45*k^2/2 evaluated at 1, which will be 45/2 .
syms k q
fun = matlabFunction( symsum(k*q, q, 1, 10), 'vars', k);
and then integrate fun
  1 Comment
Thomas on 12 Dec 2012
Unfortunately, the real series is rather more complicated, but thanks to your quick response, I hope Matlab will be able to handle it numerically. Thanks again.

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