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How to train using SVM?

1 view (last 30 days)
Ampi on 5 Dec 2012
I am attaching a code below for training using SVM for Faces.
I am proceeding in the following way:-
In training matrix i have taken 2 rows each row has 4 samples of a individual. Now i have fixed the target matrix at:-
labelData(1:4,:) = 1;
labelData(5:8,:) = 2;
Now i am training the data as follows:-
svmModel = svmtrain(arr1', labelData, ...'Autoscale',true, 'Showplot',true, 'Method','QP', ...'BoxConstraint',2e-1, 'Kernel_Function','rbf', RBF_Sigma',1); classes = svmclassify(svmModel,finaltest,'showplot','true') cp = classperf(cp, classes, finaltest')
The final list of features given are:-
arr1 =
0.1058 -0.5517 -1.3537 62.4660 119.9515 138.0683 137.9539 127.3512 120.5434 95.0995
-252.4978 -6.1384 -6.5467 -1.4940 31.6996 89.8276 118.6320 120.7114 86.2801 42.4085
-541.0102 -129.8960 -128.3588 -136.9744 -105.7236 -64.3677 -10.4804 30.5314 45.8545 22.7236
-541.0102 -250.1544 -128.3588 -139.1115 -107.8966 -87.0327 -10.4804 30.5314 45.8545 22.7236
-542.6045 -545.1539 -139.5034 -139.1115 -139.8038 -87.0327 -39.0280 -28.4102 -20.8262 -33.8483
-542.6045 -545.1539 -154.1400 -145.5581 -139.8038 -98.5822 -75.3121 -35.7535 -20.8262 -33.8483
-546.0365 -548.3869 -154.1400 -169.4303 -170.3015 -123.2716 -75.3121 -35.7535 -37.6052 -63.0706
-546.3883 -548.3869 -208.0748 -169.4303 -170.3015 -123.2716 -110.6051 -137.7718 -163.2197 -203.0798
My question is how to obtain the classification plot of SVM for plotting these vectors as I am not getting any plot? Any help would be highly appreciated.

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