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Function and file name as an input argument

6 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone ,
Can anyone help me ? I am writing a function which is supposed to have a filename as an input argument. This fucntion is supposed to read all the raw files ( 2D gray images) from the file and stack the images . The output argument is the mean of the stacked image.
When i do it in a normal.m script it works but it does not when i try to do it in a function with the filename as an input argument.
Thx in advanve
function moy =Moyenne_Dark(filelocation)
Nrow = 2048;
NCol = 2040;
dir (filelocation);
matfiles = dir(fullfile(filelocation, '*.raw'));
nfiles = length(matfiles)
for i = 1 : nfiles
filename = matfiles(i).name ;
image=fopen(filelocation, 'rb');
M = uint16(fread(image, [NLigne, NColonne], 'uint16'));
N = swapbytes(M)';
moy= mean2(sum);

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Jun 2020
dir (filelocation);
That line is not contributing anything; you fetch the directory information and then throw it away.
matfiles = dir(fullfile(filelocation, '*.raw'));
misleading variable name for raw files ;-)
filename = matfiles(i).name ;
No, that implies the files are in the current directory, but they are in the directory indicated by filelocation. Instead use
filename = fullfile(filelocation, matfiles(i).name);
We recommend against naming any variable sum : chances are too high that you will want to also use sum() as a function in the same code. And it confuses readers.
There is a high risk that you are going to saturate uint16 when you add a bunch of uint16 together.
N = swapbytes(M)';
moy= mean2(sum);
mean2() does not care about the order the values are in, so there is no point in doing the transpose. Just accumulate into a [NLigne, NColonne] array without transposing.
jad aoun
jad aoun on 15 Jun 2020
I figured it out myself . Thank you a lot again.
Faisal Sani Bala
Faisal Sani Bala on 28 May 2023
Hi, please can you share the working function which you got finally?

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