"Find and Replace" in Matlab Editor

40 views (last 30 days)
Hi there,
is there a way to specifically search (and replace) only in code lines or only in commented text?

Accepted Answer

Neuropragmatist on 14 Aug 2019
I don't think this is a feature in Matlab's find & replace utility.
You could write your own code to do this though - just open a function as a text file and search for the word you want to replace. If it occurs after a % symbol it is probably a comment if not it is probably code.
The problem would be that many functions working with strings (such as sprintf) also utilise % symbols, so that would require some thought. The Matlab editor can differentiate comments from code though, so there may be some Matlab internal function you could utilise for that.
Andre Zeug
Andre Zeug on 14 Aug 2019
thanks for fast reply.
"I don't think this is a feature in Matlab's find & replace utility."
I don't think so as well, but would be nice to be implemented.
"The Matlab editor can differentiate comments from code though, so there may be some Matlab internal function you could utilise for that."
Does anybody know such internal Matlab function?
Rik on 14 Aug 2019
To hook into the parser you will probably have to use some Java hacks. That often breaks between releases, so if you're looking for a stable solution you'll have to write something yourself.
You might have a look at how notepad++ and/or GNU Octave handle the parsing, because they seem to have it figured out.
For my spellchecker FEX submission I didn't bother and only used the percent and ellipsis as comment markers, which is close enough for that application.

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More Answers (2)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 14 Aug 2019
I don't believe there is such functionaltiy in the Editor, but this seems like a reasonable enhancement request to file with Technical Support. Use the telephone icon in the upper-right corner of this page to send it to Support.
  1 Comment
Andre Zeug
Andre Zeug on 14 Aug 2019
Thanks Steven, I requested to Tech Support.
We will see what happens :-)

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Andre Zeug
Andre Zeug on 20 Aug 2019
Here is the anwer from Mathworks Technical Support:
"...I am writing in reference to your Technical Support Case #03742137 regarding 'AddOn to "Find and Replace" in Matlab Editor'.
... I have reported this enhancement feature to my colleagues in development team,
and they would consider integrating this useful feature. Thank you for bringing it to our notice."


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