Clear Filters
Clear Filters

error : Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).

73 views (last 30 days)
please help
[R C] = find(I(:,:,1)<100 & I(:,:,2)>0.2 & I(:,:,3)>10); error
imagesc(I)% a is the image
% rows and columns of area found by thresholding
n=randi([50 length(R)],1,300);%randomly generated indexes
r=R(n);c=C(n);% extraction of entries corresponding to randomly generated values in row and column vectors
for ii=1:length(n)
subpatch=I(r(ii)-75:r(ii)+75,c(ii)-75:c(ii)+75);%for patches of size 151 by 151
imwrite(subpatch,strcat('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\before\p',num2str(ii),'.tif') );
Akash Kuber
Akash Kuber on 2 Jul 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 2 Jul 2019
this is the code it works not giving out rgb image but greyscale image
clc;clear all;close all
%samle 3D matrix, e.g. can be an RGB image
a=imread('BEFORE.tif') ;
[R, C] = find(I(:,:,1)<1450);
imagesc(I)% a is the image
% rows and columns of area found by thresholding
n=randi([1 length(R)],1,300);%randomly generated indexes
r=R(n);c=C(n);% extraction of entries corresponding to randomly generated values in row and column vectors
for ii=1:length(n)
subpatch=I(r(ii)-75:r(ii)+75,c(ii)-75:c(ii)+75);%for patches of size 151 by 151
imwrite(subpatch,strcat('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\before\p',num2str(ii),'.tif') );
Jan on 2 Jul 2019
Does this mean, that the problem is solved?
"i have jus added find(I >100);" - but we do not know where you have added this.

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Answers (1)

Rajani Mishra
Rajani Mishra on 18 Jul 2019
Edited: Rajani Mishra on 18 Jul 2019
I understand that you are facing the error – ‘Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1) while trying to access matrix ‘I’ used to store an image file.
Error exceeding array bounds is caused when you try to access an element out of matrix dimensions.
So before trying to access indices of matrix ‘I’ check whether it’s a RGB image or a grayscale image
as in case of grayscale image you should not have – I(:,:,3) or I(:,:2) ’.
To check whether it’s a RGB or grayscale image try :
st = imfinfo(filename);

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