How to generate figures?

1 view (last 30 days)
IsTun on 12 May 2019
Commented: Jan on 13 May 2019
How to generate these figures
IsTun on 12 May 2019
I'll edit it
Jan on 13 May 2019
Now the question is meaningless without the figures.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 May 2019
There is no Mathworks function whose purpose is to generate figures like those.
There is no Mathworks function to interpret representations in the sense of spectrotemporal resolution and interferences.
IsTun on 12 May 2019
Okay thnx for u're help
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 May 2019
There are Mathworks functions that, when combined, can produce 2D plots. But the user has program in the data, and know which analytical techniques are being used, and may have to program formulas in detail.
If a user were to ask questions such as "Is there a Mathworks function or toolbox to plot Gamma/Beta Triple Slit Neutrino Interference Experiments" then that is something that might get an answer, but it is not likely that anyone will spend the time looking through millions of scientific papers looking for similar diagrams and extracting the formulas and writing the MATLAB code to create the images.

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