Is there an efficient way to sort specific ranges/subsections of rows independently in a table by a particular column?
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I want to sort sets of rows independently within a table e.g. a table such as
A 5
C 3
D 1
B 4
E 2
B 3
C 1
A 2
such that the first 5 rows and the last 3 rows are sorted separately in ascending order by column 2 so that the resulting table produced would be
D 1
E 2
C 3
B 4
A 5
C 1
A 2
B 3
Using nested loops is highly inefficient and I've been unsuccessful using sortrows(). Thanks for any suggestions.
Cris LaPierre
on 1 Feb 2019
Is there any sort of logic to where the splits occur? Based on what you've stated, it seems like the dividing was done arbitrarily. If you can articulate the criteria, we might be able to help come up with a solution.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 1 Feb 2019
splitapply() provided that you do not mind that disconnected regions with the same identifier code will be brought together
Walter Roberson
on 2 Mar 2020
splitapply will not sort the entries. Use a function that returns a cell array around the inputs that you are given.
Oh I see, you are confused by the line of code that I had given other person,
temp = splitapply(@(varargin) {sortrows(table(varargin{:}),2)}, T, G);
Their particular request was to sort values, so there had to be a sorting call for their purposes. For your purposes just leave out the sorting step
temp = splitapply(@(varargin) {table(varargin{:})}, T, G);
on 2 Mar 2020
Thank you so much.
It seems I am doing something wrong then, because I am using the same code, I will look into my data again.
But thank you so much for the help.
More Answers (1)
Cris LaPierre
on 1 Feb 2019
Edited: Cris LaPierre
on 1 Feb 2019
Took a stab. Here are my assumptions
- Groups do not overlap
- There are the same number of elements in each group with the exception of the final group
These allow me to create a new variable to represent the groups. I can then use sortrows to use the new group variable for the primary sort and your numeric variable for the secondary.
% Create your table
var1 = categorical(["A","C","D","B","E","B","C","A"])';
var2 = [5 3 1 4 2 3 1 2]';
T = table(var1,var2)
% Determine number of elements in a group and the number of groups in the table
cnt = length(unique(T.var1))
grps = ceil(height(T)/cnt)
% Create the grouping variable.
% Start by making an array with a row for each element in a group, and a column for each group
var3 = ones(cnt,1)*[1:grps];
% Use linear indexing to convert the array to a column vector
var3 = var3(:);
% Before adding to the table, make column same height as table
var3 = var3(1:height(T))
% Add new grouping variable to the table
% Sort using grouping variable as primary sort (3), and 2nd column for secondary sort(2)
T = sortrows(T,[3 2])
T =
'D' 1 1
'E' 2 1
'C' 3 1
'B' 4 1
'A' 5 1
'C' 1 2
'A' 2 2
'B' 3 2
Cris LaPierre
on 1 Feb 2019
Assuming the same number of members in each group was an assumption I made to help create the grouping variable. If your data has a grouping variable then there can be a different number in each group.
With the dataset you shared, I'd do the following
opts = spreadsheetImportOptions('NumVariables',3);
opts = setvaropts(opts,3,'TreatAsMissing','<missing>'); % C232
opts = setvartype(opts,[1 2],'categorical');
opts = setvartype(opts,3,'double');
data = readtable('sample.xlsx',opts,'ReadVariableNames',false);
dataSorted = sortrows(data,[1,3]);
Note that the groups are placed in alphabetical order. Not sure if one of your design criteria was that they don't change order. If so, you can add the following after the readtable command but before the sortrows to preserve the order of the PIN numbers.
[~,ic,~] = unique(data.Var1);
data.Var1 = categorical(data.Var1,data.Var1(sort(ic)),'Ordinal',true);
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