I have a problem with this ode45
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on 31 Jan 2019
Commented: Star Strider
on 31 Jan 2019
Hi Matlab Users,
I cannot understand what is wrong with my code. I would appreciate if anyone could help me.
I got this error:
Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
% Define model parameters: d, Lambda, DeltaE, V, Om, kappa
clear; clc;
DeltaE = 0;
Lambda = 1e-1;
d = 12;
kappa = 1;
Ksi = 5e-5; % damping parameter
Om = 1e-2; % driving frequency
%V = 9.2e-3; % driving amplitude
V = 9e-4;
% Define the function with integration variables
fun_ode = @(t, y) shapiro(t,y,d,DeltaE,Lambda,V,Om,kappa);
% fun_shapiro is a function which contains th coupled differential equations of the driven undamped soliton-surface plasmon Josephson junction with asymmetric coupling. You need to code this.
% Integrator options
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-7,'AbsTol',[1e-8 1e-8]);
%Define time array in integer multiples of 2*pi/Om
t = 2*pi/Om*(1:200);
%Define a set of initial points Phi0,Z0. A coarse example is the following:
[Phi0,Z0] = meshgrid(-1:0.4:1,-1:0.4:1);
% initialize the phase space figure
axis([-1.5 1 -0.3 0.3]);
grid on;
hold on;
% Integrate the system from each initial point and plot the results
[T, Y]=ode45(fun_ode,tspan,[Phi0(i,j) Z0(i,j)],options);
% Collapse the Phi values into the [-1,1] range.
Y(:,1) = wrapToPi(Y(:,1)*pi)./pi;
% plot the same values displaced by 2*pi. This is just for a better looking figure:
hold on;
and this is shapiro function
function dydt = shapiro(t,y,DeltaE,Lambda,d,kappa,Ksi,Om,V)
dydt = zeros(2,1);
qc = fun_q(Lambda,d,y(2));
a = sqrt((1-y(2))./(1+y(2)));
dydt(1) = (DeltaE + Lambda.*y(2) - 0.5*(a.*kappa - 1./a)...
*qc.*cos(pi*y(1)) + V*cos(t))/(Om*pi);
dydt(2) = -.5*sqrt((1-y(2))*(1+y(2)))*qc*(1+kappa)...
*sin(pi*y(1))/Om - Ksi*pi*dydt(1);
in addition to that
function q = fun_q(Lambda,d,Z)
q = sqrt(.5*(1+Z))*exp(-d*sqrt(2*Lambda*(1+Z)));
%q = 1.d-5; % Constant q for BEC-Josephson model
With my regards,
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 31 Jan 2019
Could the problem be in or related to ‘fun_q’ that you have not posted?
It would likely help if you posted it.
More Answers (1)
James Tursa
on 31 Jan 2019
I don't see anywhere in your code where you define i and j before using them as indexes into Phi0 and Z0, so they default to the imaginary numbers, hence the error. Perhaps you intended to wrap all of this in for loops?
James Tursa
on 31 Jan 2019
Are you saying that if you set i=1 and j=1 just prior to the line in question, that you get the exact same error? Or do you get a different error?
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