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Test value equality within a range of values

2 views (last 30 days)
Vishan Gupta
Vishan Gupta on 29 Sep 2018
Edited: Bruno Luong on 29 Sep 2018
I have a=0.3, I have a vector jki=0:0.00065:0.65 (its a 1x1001 vector). I want to compare each value of jki to a, if that is true, display something. I've tried searching online but don't really understand still how to do it. This is what my guess would be for the code, but it doesn't work:
for k=1:size(jki)
if jki(k)==a

Answers (2)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 29 Sep 2018
If your goal is to do something if a is in jki
if ismember(a,jki)
Vishan Gupta
Vishan Gupta on 29 Sep 2018
Doesn't work because a is 0.3, the closest value to 0.3 IN jki is 0.2996 and 0.3003, the vector never lands on exactly 0.300 which is the problem I am having.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Sep 2018
I do not see the problem? You say, "I want to compare each value of jki to a" and you show an equality comparison in your sample code. If 0.3 is not in jki then 0.3 is not in jki.
Is the question to determine where in jki that a falls if you treat the entries of jki to be edges? If so then see the first output of discretize() or see the second output of histc() or the third output of histcounts()

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Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 29 Sep 2018
Edited: Bruno Luong on 29 Sep 2018
Is this is what you want?
jki = 0:0.00065:0.65;
a = 0.3;
[~,loc] = histc(a,jki);
fprintf('%g is in the range (%g,%g)\n', a, jki(loc+[0 1]))

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