Adding the variable name onto a plot cursor
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I regularly plot several variables. This results in 12 lines on a plot. For example with the x-axis being time, several channels of voltages are plotted. I can add a legend, but it's really hard to discern the different shades of blue or red or green to identify which curve is which. I want to add something in the data cursor callback function that will display the name of the selected line, so I can correlate the selected line with the legend box.
Answers (2)
Steven Lord
on 26 Jul 2018
I would consider using color, line style, and/or marker to distinguish the twelve lines. Using this example as inspiration:
% Make an axes
ax = axes;
% Change the ColorOrder and LineStyleOrder for the axes
% 3 values for ColorOrder
ax.ColorOrder = [1 0 0; % red
0 1 0; % green
0 0 1]; % blue
% times 4 values for LineStyleOrder gives 12 combinations
ax.LineStyleOrder = {'-o', '--*', ':', '-d'};
% Normally, calling plot resets axes properties
% Make it so it doesn't.
ax.NextPlot = 'replacechildren';
% Plot the 12 lines and show the legend.
legend show
Each line differs from the others in line style, color, and/or marker.
1 Comment
Peter Meglis
on 26 Jul 2018
Edited: Peter Meglis
on 26 Jul 2018
Take a look at the example halfway down this doc page:
And this one for the get function:
If you use datacursormode on your figure, you can get the cursor info, from that you can get the DisplayName (label) from the line you are focused on.
Something like:
fig = figure;
dcm_obj = datacursormode(fig);
c_info = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj);
disp(get(c_info.Target, 'DisplayName'));
Hope this helps!
Peter Meglis
on 27 Jul 2018
Take a look at this doc page for some examples:
If you supply the 'ButtonDownFcn' parameter with a function handle (@nameOfFunction) to your plot function, this callback will be called any time you click on one of the lines. The function must accept at least two arguments: "the handle of the object whose callback is executing" and "the event data structure" which can be empty like below.
plot(..., 'ButtonDownFcn', @displayNameOfLine);
function displayNameOfLine(src, ~)
disp(get(src, 'DisplayName'))
From here you can do whatever you want in terms of displaying the DisplayName and including the datacursormode.
Hope this helps!
Victor Braescu
on 2 Apr 2020
Edited: Victor Braescu
on 2 Apr 2020
Thanks Peter! This helped with my problem where I had 500 different lines on my graph and wanted to see the legend name of each indivdually.
I edited it a bit to display the name directly on the graph and then delete the name after a second. I used text instead of disp to do this. Hopfully this helps anyone that is interested!
function displayNameOfLine(src, ~)
name = text(0.3,0.8,get(src, 'DisplayName'),'FontSize',50,'units','normalized');
delete (name);
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