How to store answers from function in array?

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Hey guys. I have some data for each hour in a year, where each hour has a different function. Each function, each hour, calculates T_opt. How can i store each answer that i get in one array, instead of separate answers? Hope you get what trying to explain :)
a_dk = zeros(8761,1);
a_be = zeros(8761,1);
for a = 1:hours
a_dk(a) = p_dk(a)/d_dk(a);
a_be(a) = p_be(a)/d_be(a);
C = 6647000000; % DKK
T = 1400; % (MW) transmission line capacity for viking link
l = 770; % (km) length of viking link cable
n = 40; % (Years) lifteime of the cable
LRMC = ((C/(T*l*n)*l)/hours); % Long run marginal cost DKK/MW
for i = 1:hours
syms F
pi(F) = (a_be(i)*(d_be(i)-F))-(a_dk(i)*(d_dk(i)+F));
F = finverse(pi); %inverse supply function
T_opt = vpa(subs(F,LRMC),4)

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 30 Apr 2018
T_opt(i,:) = vpa(subs(F,LRMC),4);

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