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How to solve for limit of double integral
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I am new to MATLAB. Please help me. I want to solve for the limit of double integral.
syms u x
a = 5;
b = 0.2;
c = 10;
d = 0.1;
m = 1./(2.^(a+c-1).*gamma(a).*gamma(c).*b.^a.*d.^c);
h(u,x) = m.*(u+x).^(a-1).*(u-x).^(c-1).*exp(-(u+x)./(2.*b)-(u-x)./(2.*d));
f(x) = int(h,u,abs(x), inf);
solPk = fzero(@(Pk) integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k,[-10,10]);
Thank you so much.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 30 Apr 2018
solPk = vpasolve(int(f,x,-inf,Pk) == k)
There is a closed form integral, but MATLAB is not able to find it. It is
piecewise(Pk < 0, -(770558495002939/5159780352000000000000)*exp(10*Pk)*(75937500*Pk^9-296156250*Pk^8+601425000*Pk^7-817897500*Pk^6+808258500*Pk^5-594641250*Pk^4+322528500*Pk^3-123369750*Pk^2+29996190*Pk-3512131), ...
0 <= Pk, 1310719999999999239/1310720000000000000+(1/25798901760000000000000)*(-11650844444444437680000*Pk^4-40389594074074050624000*Pk^3-58409566814814780902400*Pk^2-41590925590123432642560*Pk-12267389871934149256192)*exp(-5*Pk))
You could fzero() or fsolve() on that after making a guess about whether Pk will be positive or negative.
Walter Roberson
on 30 Apr 2018
syms u x
a = 5;
b = 0.2;
c = 10;
d = 0.1;
m = 1./(2.^(a+c-1).*gamma(a).*gamma(c).*b.^a.*d.^c);
h(u,x) = m.*(u+x).^(a-1).*(u-x).^(c-1).*exp(-(u+x)./(2.*b)-(u-x)./(2.*d));
f = matlabFunction(int(h,u,abs(x), inf));
solPk = fzero(@(Pk) integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k,[-10,10]);
It looks to me as if the function it produces is not correct for positive values, but it happens that for your purposes you do not need positive values.
on 30 Apr 2018
I have one more question. Why when
a = 30;
b = 0.2;
c = 20;
d = 0.1;
I cannot solve for solPk? It tells me that
Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number value encountered.
> In integralCalc/iterateScalarValued (line 349)
In integralCalc/vadapt (line 132)
In integralCalc (line 91)
In integral (line 88)
In @(Pk)integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k
In fzero (line 230)
In Percentile3FnNSH (line 42)
Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number value encountered.
> In integralCalc/iterateScalarValued (line 349)
In integralCalc/vadapt (line 132)
In integralCalc (line 91)
In integral (line 88)
In @(Pk)integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k
In fzero (line 240)
In Percentile3FnNSH (line 42)
Error using fzero (line 242)
Function values at interval endpoints must be finite and real.
Error in Percentile3FnNSH (line 42)
solPk = fzero(@(Pk) integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k,[-10,10])
Walter Roberson
on 1 May 2018
The solution for that system is positive; it is possible that the integral is getting confused.
I would suggest that you split the integral at 0:
syms u x pk
a = 30;
b = 0.2;
c = 20;
d = 0.1;
k = 0.01;
m = 1./(2.^(a+c-1).*gamma(a).*gamma(c).*b.^a.*d.^c);
h(u,x) = m.*(u+x).^(a-1).*(u-x).^(c-1).*exp(-(u+x)./(2.*b)-(u-x)./(2.*d));
syms xm negative
syms xp positive
fm = int(h(u,xm),u,-xm, inf); %xm is negative so -xm is abs(xm)
intm = int(fm, xm, -inf, xm);
int0 = subs(intm, xm, 0);
if int0 > k
solpk = vpasolve(intm - k);
fp = int(h(u,xp),u,xp,inf); %xp is positive so xp is abs(xp)
intp = int(fp, xp, 0, xp);
solpk = vpasolve(intp + int0 == k);
This should in theory be able to handle both cases, provided that MATLAB can get the integral right given the hint about whether x is positive or negative.
Walter Roberson
on 1 May 2018
It gave me about 1.4 when I ran it.
on 1 May 2018
Could you give me any suggestion how to deal with this? This following happens when a = 30; b = 0.2; c = 20; d = 0.1 and when a = 25; b = 0.2; c = 40; d = 0.1. Thank you.
Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number value encountered.
> In integralCalc/iterateScalarValued (line 349)
In integralCalc/vadapt (line 132)
In integralCalc (line 91)
In integral (line 88)
In Percentile3FnNSH>@(Pk)integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k
In fzero (line 228)
In Percentile3FnNSH (line 30)
Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number value encountered.
> In integralCalc/iterateScalarValued (line 349)
In integralCalc/vadapt (line 132)
In integralCalc (line 91)
In integral (line 88)
In Percentile3FnNSH>@(Pk)integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k
In fzero (line 238)
In Percentile3FnNSH (line 30)
Error using fzero (line 240)
Function values at interval endpoints must be finite and real.
Error in Percentile3FnNSH (line 30)
solPk = fzero(@(Pk) integral(f,-inf,Pk)-k,[-10,10])
Walter Roberson
on 1 May 2018
Don't do that. Split the integral at 0 like I advised.
syms u x pk
a = 30;
b = 0.2;
c = 20;
d = 0.1;
k = 0.01;
m = 1./(2.^(a+c-1).*gamma(a).*gamma(c).*b.^a.*d.^c);
h(u,x) = m.*(u+x).^(a-1).*(u-x).^(c-1).*exp(-(u+x)./(2.*b)-(u-x)./(2.*d));
syms xm negative
syms xp positive
fm = int(h(u,xm),u,-xm, inf);
intm = int(fm, xm, -inf, xm);
int0 = subs(intm, xm, 0);
if int0 > k
disp('pk is negative, resolving it');
solpk = vpasolve(intm - k);
solpkn = fzero( matlabFunction(intm-k), [-10 0]);
disp('pk is positive, resolving it');
fp = int(h(u,xp),u,xp,inf);
intp = int(fp, xp, 0, xp);
solpk = vpasolve(intp + int0 == k);
solpkn = fzero( matlabFunction(intp + int0 - k), [0 10]);
on 1 May 2018
Oh Thank you so much. This is help me a lot. I still have another problem dealing with the integral. Could you please help me?
syms u x pk
k = 0.99
a = 5
b = 0.2
c = 40
d = 0.1
D1 = ((a.*b.^2+c.*d.^2).^3)/((a.*b.^3-c.*d.^3).^2);
D = (1/(2.*pi)).*((4./pi)-1)^2.*D1;
syms t
fun = (D+(2./pi).^3).*t.^3 - (3.*(2./pi).^2).*t.^2 + 3.*(2./pi).*t - 1;
theta = double(vpasolve(fun,t,[-Inf Inf]));
lambda = sign(a.*b.^3 - c.*d.^3).*sqrt(theta./(1-theta)); %sign
sigma = sqrt((a.*b.^2+c.*d.^2)./(1-(2./pi).*theta));
mu = a.*b-c.*d-sigma.*sign(a.*b.^3 - c.*d.^3).*sqrt(2./pi.*theta);
p = matlabFunction(2./sigma.*normpdf((x-mu)./sigma).*normcdf(lambda.*(x-mu)./sigma));
solPkS = fzero(@(PkS) integral(p,-Inf,PkS)-k,[-10,10]);
Here, I cannot solve for solPkS. It said that
Error using fzero (line 246)
FZERO cannot continue because user-supplied function_handle ==> @(PkS)integral(p,-Inf,PkS)-k failed with the error below.
Too many input arguments.
Error in Percentile3FnNSH (line 56)
solPkS = fzero(@(PkS) integral(p,-Inf,PkS)-k,[-10,10]);
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Walter Roberson
on 2 May 2018
The denominator of D1 = ((a.*b.^2+c.*d.^2).^3)/((a.*b.^3-c.*d.^3).^2); is 0, so D1 is inf, leading to empty theta, leading to matlabFunction being applied to a constant empty array. When you matlabFunction something that is a constant and you do not specify the 'vars' then it generates a function handle with no arguments.
Walter Roberson
on 3 May 2018
With the old equations or with the D1 and D equations?
on 3 May 2018
Edited: Mikie
on 3 May 2018
m = 1./(2.^(a+c-1).*gamma(a).*gamma(c).*b.^a.*d.^c);
h(u,x) = m.*(u+x).^(a-1).*(u-x).^(c-1).*exp(-(u+x)./(2.*b)-(u-x)./(2.*d));
syms xm negative
syms xp positive
fm = int(h(u,xm),u,-xm, inf);
intm = int(fm, xm, -inf, xm);
int0 = subs(intm, xm, 0);
if int0 > k
disp('pk is negative, resolving it');
solpk = vpasolve(intm - k);
solpkn = fzero(matlabFunction(intm-k), [-10 0]);
disp('pk is positive, resolving it');
fp = int(h(u,xp),u,xp,inf);
intp = int(fp, xp, 0, xp);
solpk = vpasolve(intp + int0 == k);
solpkn = fzero(matlabFunction(intp + int0 - k), [0 10]);
D1 = ((a.*b.^2+c.*d.^2).^3)/((a.*b.^3-c.*d.^3).^2);
D = (1/(2.*pi)).*((4./pi)-1)^2.*D1;
syms t
fun = (D+(2./pi).^3).*t.^3 - (3.*(2./pi).^2).*t.^2 + 3.*(2./pi).*t - 1;
theta = double(vpasolve(fun,t,[-Inf Inf]));
lambda = sign(a.*b.^3 - c.*d.^3).*sqrt(theta./(1-theta)); %sign
sigma = sqrt((a.*b.^2+c.*d.^2)./(1-(2./pi).*theta));
mu = a.*b-c.*d-sigma.*sign(a.*b.^3 - c.*d.^3).*sqrt(2./pi.*theta);
p = matlabFunction(2./sigma.*normpdf((x-mu)./sigma).*normcdf(lambda.*(x-mu)./sigma));
solPkS = fzero(@(PkS) integral(p,-Inf,PkS)-k,[-10,10]);
Walter Roberson
on 3 May 2018
The integral fm involves pretty much every combination of u and x with total power not exceeding (a+c-1), so in this case 40+60-1 = 99. That is 99*98/2 terms for that portion. It takes MATLAB a while to compute... and then it has to do the integral over that for fm. Takes a while :(
on 3 May 2018
But the process is stopped:
Error using symengine
Out of memory.
Error in sym/int (line 162)
rSym = mupadmex('symobj::intdef',f.s,x.s,a.s,b.s,options);
Error in FnNSH (line 29)
intm = int(fm, xm, -inf, xm);
How can I fix it?
Walter Roberson
on 3 May 2018
Ah, that does not surprise me, Now that you have mentioned it, I see that MuPAD silently died underneath me; I have 32 gigabytes of RAM but it must have filled it up and croaked.
You are probably going to need to switch to a more numeric path.
Walter Roberson
on 3 May 2018
Bleh. The int() that it creates for fm involves a limit() as u approaches infinity, which is an operation that effectively cannot be converted using matlabFunction :(
Walter Roberson
on 3 May 2018
I am still experimenting. It's pretty slow :(
Walter Roberson
on 4 May 2018
You might be interested to know that c = 56 does not produce the limit() inside fm, but that c = 57 does.
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